Understanding and fostering mental health and well-being among university faculty: A narrative review
In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of mental health concerns in
academia, with stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression being reported among faculty …
academia, with stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression being reported among faculty …
Develo** self-awareness: Learning processes for self-and interpersonal growth
Self-awareness—how we see ourselves and the effects we have on our environment—
influences our behavior and the type of person we want to become. This article examines …
influences our behavior and the type of person we want to become. This article examines …
Trends and developments in mindfulness research over 55 years: A bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in web of science
Objectives This study aimed to identify historical developments, active research areas, and
emerging trends within scientific literature on mindfulness published so far, using …
emerging trends within scientific literature on mindfulness published so far, using …
[HTML][HTML] Cultivating sustainability consciousness through mindfulness: An application of theory of mindful-consumption
Achieving sustainable development is a significant hurdle that societies around the world
face in the present era. The on-going global discourse on sustainability revolves around the …
face in the present era. The on-going global discourse on sustainability revolves around the …
Good and bad days at work: A descriptive review of day‐level and experience‐sampling studies
Workdays are the main temporal building blocks of people's experiences at work, and many
factors potentially contribute to having a good versus a bad day at work. Still, empirical …
factors potentially contribute to having a good versus a bad day at work. Still, empirical …
The benefits of reflecting on gratitude received at home for leaders at work: Insights from three field experiments.
Expressions of gratitude by leaders tend to yield positive effects in the workplace. Leaders,
however, are not solely bestowers of gratitude but also recipients of it. Although leaders are …
however, are not solely bestowers of gratitude but also recipients of it. Although leaders are …
Twenty years of research on mindfulness at work: A structured literature review
Over the last two decades, mindfulness has become increasingly mainstream in the
workplace and has attracted significant scholarly attention. However, there lacks a …
workplace and has attracted significant scholarly attention. However, there lacks a …
Counteracting the effects of performance pressure on cheating: A self-affirmation approach.
TM Spoelma - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Pressure to perform is ubiquitous in organizations. Although performance pressure
produces beneficial outcomes, it can also encourage cheating behavior. However, removing …
produces beneficial outcomes, it can also encourage cheating behavior. However, removing …
What makes you proactive can burn you out: The downside of proactive skill building motivated by financial precarity and fear.
Proactivity at work is generally assumed to be preceded by positive motivational states with
positive outcomes for employees. However, recent perspectives suggest downsides to …
positive outcomes for employees. However, recent perspectives suggest downsides to …
The balance between positive and negative affect in employee well‐being
We examine the effects of the balance between positive and negative affect experienced at
work on well‐being outcomes. An extensive literature on affect balance suggests that it is not …
work on well‐being outcomes. An extensive literature on affect balance suggests that it is not …