Pressure effects on iron-based superconductor families: Superconductivity, flux pinning and vortex dynamics

LN Sang, Z Li, GS Yang, ZJ Yue, JX Liu, CB Cai… - Materials Today …, 2021 - Elsevier
Since the discovery of iron-based superconductors, a new chapter has been opened in the
history of the development of high temperature superconductivity. In the past decade, there …

ThCr2Si2 structure type: The “perovskite” of intermetallics

M Shatruk - Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
This work provides a brief review of the crystal structure, compositional scope, structural
phase transitions, superconductivity, magnetism, and heavy-fermion behavior in the vast …

Magnetic exchange interactions in : A case study of the -- Heisenberg model

DC Johnston, RJ McQueeney, B Lake, A Honecker… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
BaMn 2 As 2 is unique among Ba T 2 As 2 compounds crystallizing in the body-centered-
tetragonal ThCr 2 Si 2 structure, which contain stacked square lattices of 3 d transition metal …

Pressure effects on two superconducting iron-based families

AS Sefat - Reports on progress in physics, 2011 -
Insight into the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity can be gained by
pressure-dependent studies of structural, thermodynamics and transport data. The role of …

Pressure-induced half-collapsed-tetragonal phase in

US Kaluarachchi, V Taufour, A Sapkota, V Borisov… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We report the temperature-pressure phase diagram of CaKFe 4 As 4 established using high-
pressure electrical resistivity, magnetization, and high-energy x-ray diffraction …

Crystal growth and physical properties of SrCuAs, SrCuSb, and BaCuSb

VK Anand, PK Perera, A Pandey, RJ Goetsch… - Physical Review B …, 2012 - APS
We report the growth of single crystals of SrCu 2 As 2, SrCu 2 Sb 2, SrCu 2 (As 0.84 Sb 0.16)
2, and BaCu 2 Sb 2 using the self-flux technique and their structural, magnetic, thermal, and …

Simulation study of pressure and temperature dependence of the negative thermal expansion in Zn(CN)

H Fang, MT Dove, LHN Rimmer, AJ Misquitta - Physical Review B …, 2013 - APS
Pressure and temperature dependence of the negative thermal expansion in Zn (CN) 2 is
fully investigated using molecular dynamics simulations with a built potential model. The …

Two Polymorphs of BaZn2P2: Crystal Structures, Phase Transition, and Transport Properties

A Balvanz, S Baranets, MO Ogunbunmi… - Inorganic …, 2021 - ACS Publications
The novel α-BaZn2P2 structural polymorph has been synthesized and structurally
characterized for the first time. Its structure, elucidated from single crystal X-ray diffraction …

Phase transition and superconductivity ofSrFe2As2 under high pressure

WO Uhoya, JM Montgomery, GM Tsoi… - Journal of Physics …, 2011 -
High pressure x-ray diffraction and electrical resistance measurements have been carried
out on SrFe 2 As 2 to a pressure of 23 GPa and temperature of 10 K using a synchrotron …

Common origin of negative thermal expansion and other exotic properties in ceramic and hybrid materials

H Fang, MT Dove, AE Phillips - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
By considering the lattice dynamics between bond strain and transverse vibration, we
establish a common model for ceramic and hybrid materials that exhibit negative thermal …