Multi-cell MIMO cooperative networks: A new look at interference
This paper presents an overview of the theory and currently known techniques for multi-cell
MIMO (multiple input multiple output) cooperation in wireless networks. In dense networks …
MIMO (multiple input multiple output) cooperation in wireless networks. In dense networks …
Noisy network coding
A noisy network coding scheme for communicating messages between multiple sources and
destinations over a general noisy network is presented. For multi-message multicast …
destinations over a general noisy network is presented. For multi-message multicast …
Interference mitigation through limited receiver cooperation
Interference is a major issue limiting the performance in wireless networks. Cooperation
among receivers can help mitigate interference by forming distributed MIMO systems. The …
among receivers can help mitigate interference by forming distributed MIMO systems. The …
The sign-definiteness lemma and its applications to robust transceiver optimization for multiuser MIMO systems
We formally generalize the sign-definiteness lemma to the case of complex-valued matrices
and multiple norm-bounded uncertainties. This lemma has found many applications in the …
and multiple norm-bounded uncertainties. This lemma has found many applications in the …
The Gaussian interference relay channel: Improved achievable rates and sum rate upperbounds using a potent relay
We consider the Gaussian interference channel with an intermediate relay as a main
building block for cooperative interference networks. On the achievability side, we consider …
building block for cooperative interference networks. On the achievability side, we consider …
Interference channel with an out-of-band relay
A Gaussian interference channel (IC) with a relay is considered. The relay is assumed to
operate over an orthogonal band with respect to the underlying IC, and the overall system is …
operate over an orthogonal band with respect to the underlying IC, and the overall system is …
Interference channel with a causal relay under strong and very strong interference
In this paper, we study a two-user interference channel with a causal relay, where the relay's
transmit symbol depends not only on its past received symbols, but also on its present …
transmit symbol depends not only on its past received symbols, but also on its present …
Incremental relaying for the Gaussian interference channel with a degraded broadcasting relay
This paper studies incremental relay strategies for a two-user Gaussian relay-interference
channel with an in-band-reception and out-of-band-transmission relay, where the link …
channel with an in-band-reception and out-of-band-transmission relay, where the link …
A relay can increase degrees of freedom in bursty interference networks
We investigate the benefits of incorporating relays in future multi-user wireless networks that
seek to exploit unexplored bands of very high frequency spectrum, where transmitted …
seek to exploit unexplored bands of very high frequency spectrum, where transmitted …
Two birds and one stone: Gaussian interference channel with a shared out-of-band relay of limited rate
The two-user Gaussian interference channel with a shared out-of-band relay is considered.
The relay observes a linear combination of the source signals and broadcasts a common …
The relay observes a linear combination of the source signals and broadcasts a common …