Tight arms race: Overview of current malware threats and trends in their detection
Cyber attacks are currently blooming, as the attackers reap significant profits from them and
face a limited risk when compared to committing the “classical” crimes. One of the major …
face a limited risk when compared to committing the “classical” crimes. One of the major …
[HTML][HTML] Trends and challenges in network covert channels countermeasures
Network covert channels are increasingly used to endow malware with stealthy behaviors,
for instance to exfiltrate data or to orchestrate nodes of a botnet in a cloaked manner …
for instance to exfiltrate data or to orchestrate nodes of a botnet in a cloaked manner …
The future of digital forensics: Challenges and the road ahead
Today's huge volumes of data, heterogeneous information and communication
technologies, and borderless cyberinfrastructures create new challenges for security experts …
technologies, and borderless cyberinfrastructures create new challenges for security experts …
The new threats of information hiding: The road ahead
A recent trend involves exploiting various information-hiding techniques to empower
malware-for example, to bypass mobile device security frameworks or to exfiltrate sensitive …
malware-for example, to bypass mobile device security frameworks or to exfiltrate sensitive …
Cyber attack models for smart grid environments
Smart grids utilize communication technologies that make them vulnerable to cyber attacks.
Because the power grid is a critical infrastructure, it is a tempting target for sophisticated and …
Because the power grid is a critical infrastructure, it is a tempting target for sophisticated and …
Odini: Esca** sensitive data from faraday-caged, air-gapped computers via magnetic fields
Air-gapped computers are devices that are kept isolated from the Internet, because they
store and process sensitive information. When highly sensitive data is involved, an air …
store and process sensitive information. When highly sensitive data is involved, an air …
Seeing the unseen: revealing mobile malware hidden communications via energy consumption and artificial intelligence
Modern malware uses advanced techniques to hide from static and dynamic analysis tools.
To achieve stealthiness when attacking a mobile device, an effective approach is the use of …
To achieve stealthiness when attacking a mobile device, an effective approach is the use of …
[HTML][HTML] Kernel-level tracing for detecting stegomalware and covert channels in Linux environments
Modern malware is becoming hard to spot since attackers are increasingly adopting new
techniques to elude signature-and rule-based detection mechanisms. Among the others …
techniques to elude signature-and rule-based detection mechanisms. Among the others …
Magneto: Covert channel between air-gapped systems and nearby smartphones via cpu-generated magnetic fields
This papers shows that attackers can leak data from isolated, air-gapped computers to
nearby smartphones via covert magnetic signals. The proposed covert channel works even …
nearby smartphones via covert magnetic signals. The proposed covert channel works even …
Never mind the malware, here's the stegomalware
Never Mind the Malware, Here’s the Stegomalware Page 1 Copublished by the
IEEE Computer and Reliability Societies September/October 2022 101 Editors: D. Balzarotti …
IEEE Computer and Reliability Societies September/October 2022 101 Editors: D. Balzarotti …