Longitudinal magnetic fluctuations in Langevin spin dynamics

PW Ma, SL Dudarev - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2012 - APS
We develop a generalized Langevin spin dynamics (GLSD) algorithm where both the
longitudinal and transverse (rotational) degrees of freedom of atomic magnetic moments are …

Time-retarded dam** and magnetic inertia in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation self-consistently coupled to electronic time-dependent nonequilibrium Green …

U Bajpai, BK Nikolić - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
The conventional Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation is a widely used tool to describe
the dynamics of local magnetic moments, viewed as classical vectors of fixed length, with …

Spin and charge pum** by a steady or pulse-current-driven magnetic domain wall: a self-consistent multiscale time-dependent quantum-classical hybrid approach

MD Petrović, BS Popescu, U Bajpai, P Plecháč… - Physical Review …, 2018 - APS
We introduce a multiscale framework that combines a time-dependent nonequilibrium Green-
function (TDNEGF) algorithm, scaling linearly in the number of time steps and describing …

Quantum Brownian motion for magnets

J Anders, CRJ Sait, SAR Horsley - New Journal of Physics, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Spin precession in magnetic materials is commonly modelled with the classical
phenomenological Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert (LLG) equation. Based on a quantized three …

Relaxation of a classical spin coupled to a strongly correlated electron system

M Sayad, R Rausch, M Potthoff - Physical Review Letters, 2016 - APS
A classical spin which is antiferromagnetically coupled to a system of strongly correlated
conduction electrons is shown to exhibit unconventional real-time dynamics which cannot …

Investigation of spin wave dam** in three-dimensional magnonic crystals using the plane wave method

J Romero Vivas, S Mamica, M Krawczyk… - Physical Review B …, 2012 - APS
The Landau-Lifshitz equation with a scalar dam** constant predicts that the dam** of
spin waves propagating in an infinite homogeneous magnetic medium does not depend on …

Emerging magnetic nutation

P Thibaudeau, S Nicolis - The European Physical Journal B, 2021 - Springer
Nutation has been recognized as of great significance for spintronics; but justifying its
presence has proven to be a hard problem. In this paper, we show that nutation can be …

Gilbert-like dam** caused by time retardation in atomistic magnetization dynamics

D Thonig, J Henk, O Eriksson - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
Gilbert-like dam** in magnetization dynamics is commonly attributed to the interplay of the
spin, the electron, and the phonon reservoirs. Spatial correlations within the spin reservoir …

Anisotropic skyrmion mass induced by surrounding conduction electrons: A Schwinger-Keldysh field theory approach

F Reyes-Osorio, BK Nikolic - arxiv preprint arxiv:2302.04220, 2023 - arxiv.org
The current-driven motion of magnetic skyrmions, as topologically protected winding vector
fields of local magnetization, has attracted considerable attention due to both fundamental …

Anisotropic Mass of a Magnetic Skyrmion due to Its Interaction with Conduction Electrons: A Schwinger–Keldysh Field Theory Approach

F Reyes-Osorio, BK Nikolić - Journal of the Physical Society of …, 2024 - journals.jps.jp
The current-driven motion of magnetic skyrmions, as topologically protected winding vector
fields of local magnetization, has attracted considerable attention due to both fundamental …