A review on chemical bath deposition of metal chalcogenide thin films for heterojunction solar cells
Heterojunction (HJ) thin-film II–VI solar cells are emergent substitutes to the traditional
silicon solar cells because of improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A renewed interest …
silicon solar cells because of improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. A renewed interest …
Integration of epitaxial IV–VI Pb-chalcogenide on group IV vicinal Ge substrate to form p–n heterogeneous structures
Integration of monocrystalline PbSe with vicinal Ge substrate is reported. The
heterogeneous p–n junction structure combines the merits of both materials, with the …
heterogeneous p–n junction structure combines the merits of both materials, with the …
Epitaxial CdSe/PbSe heterojunction growth and MWIR photovoltaic detector
A novel Epitaxial Cadmium Selenide (CdSe) on Lead Selenide (PbSe) type-II heterojunction
photovoltaic detector has been demonstrated by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth of n …
photovoltaic detector has been demonstrated by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth of n …
Lead selenide polycrystalline coatings sensitized using diffusion and ion beam methods for uncooled mid-infrared photodetection
H Yang, X Li, G Wang, J Zheng - Coatings, 2018 - mdpi.com
Polycrystalline lead selenide material that is processed after a sensitization technology
offers the additional physical effects of carrier recombination suppression and carrier …
offers the additional physical effects of carrier recombination suppression and carrier …
Applying 2DEG in High‐Performance Mid‐Infrared Photodetection
H Xu, Y Wang, J Shen, Z Ren, J Zhu… - Advanced Optical …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
High‐speed and highly sensitive infrared photodetectors are regarded as one of the most
essential components in modern photonic devices and technology because of constantly …
essential components in modern photonic devices and technology because of constantly …
Enhanced performance in uncooled n-CdSe/p-PbSe photovoltaic detectors by high-temperature chloride passivation
High-temperature chloride passivation (HTCP) was proposed to improve the crystalline
quality and electrical properties of PbSe epitaxial films. The PL intensity of HTCP (111) PbSe …
quality and electrical properties of PbSe epitaxial films. The PL intensity of HTCP (111) PbSe …