Ageing and multisensory integration: A review of the evidence, and a computational perspective
The processing of multisensory signals is crucial for effective interaction with the
environment, but our ability to perform this vital function changes as we age. In the first part …
environment, but our ability to perform this vital function changes as we age. In the first part …
Audiovisual temporal perception in aging: The role of multisensory integration and age-related sensory loss
Within each sensory modality, age-related deficits in temporal perception contribute to the
difficulties older adults experience when performing everyday tasks. Since perceptual …
difficulties older adults experience when performing everyday tasks. Since perceptual …
The sound-induced flash illusion reveals dissociable age-related effects in multisensory integration
While aging can lead to significant declines in perceptual and cognitive function, the effects
of age on multisensory integration, the process in which the brain combines information …
of age on multisensory integration, the process in which the brain combines information …
Impaired timing of audiovisual events in the elderly
G Bedard, M Barnett-Cowan - Experimental brain research, 2016 - Springer
Perceptual binding of multisensory events occurs within a limited time span known as the
temporal binding window. Failure to correctly identify whether multisensory events occur …
temporal binding window. Failure to correctly identify whether multisensory events occur …
[PDF][PDF] Art in noise: An embodied simulation account of cinematic sound design
MS Ward - 2020 - researchprofiles.canberra.edu.au
Sound and moving pictures share over a century of entwined history yet the dominant visual
narrative accounts of cinematic sound lack explanatory power. This thesis responds by …
narrative accounts of cinematic sound lack explanatory power. This thesis responds by …
Vision of the active limb impairs bimanual motor tracking in young and older adults
MP Boisgontier, F Van Halewyck… - Frontiers in aging …, 2014 - frontiersin.org
Despite the intensive investigation of bimanual coordination, it remains unclear how
directing vision toward either limb influences performance, and whether this influence is …
directing vision toward either limb influences performance, and whether this influence is …
Changes in multisensory integration across the life span.
JL Parker, CW Robinson - Psychology and Aging, 2018 - psycnet.apa.org
The study examined individual contributions of visual and auditory information on
multisensory integration across the life span. In the experiment, children, young adults, and …
multisensory integration across the life span. In the experiment, children, young adults, and …
Does hearing aid use affect audiovisual integration in mild hearing impairment?
A Gieseler, MAS Tahden, CM Thiel… - Experimental brain …, 2018 - Springer
There is converging evidence for altered audiovisual integration abilities in hearing-
impaired individuals and those with profound hearing loss who are provided with cochlear …
impaired individuals and those with profound hearing loss who are provided with cochlear …
Temporal metrics of multisensory processing change in the elderly
Older adults exhibit greater multisensory response time (RT) facilitation by violating the race
model more than young adults; this is commonly interpreted as an enhancement in …
model more than young adults; this is commonly interpreted as an enhancement in …
[HTML][HTML] Aging effect on Mandarin Chinese vowel and tone identification
X Yang, Y Wang, L Xu, H Zhang, C Xu… - The Journal of the …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
Mandarin Chinese speech sounds (vowels× tones) were presented to younger and older
Chinese-native speakers with normal hearing. For the identification of vowel-plus-tone …
Chinese-native speakers with normal hearing. For the identification of vowel-plus-tone …