A survey of distributed optimization
In distributed optimization of multi-agent systems, agents cooperate to minimize a global
function which is a sum of local objective functions. Motivated by applications including …
function which is a sum of local objective functions. Motivated by applications including …
Push–pull gradient methods for distributed optimization in networks
In this article, we focus on solving a distributed convex optimization problem in a network,
where each agent has its own convex cost function and the goal is to minimize the sum of …
where each agent has its own convex cost function and the goal is to minimize the sum of …
A linear algorithm for optimization over directed graphs with geometric convergence
In this letter, we study distributed optimization, where a network of agents, abstracted as a
directed graph, collaborates to minimize the average of locally known convex functions …
directed graph, collaborates to minimize the average of locally known convex functions …
A general framework for decentralized optimization with first-order methods
Decentralized optimization to minimize a finite sum of functions, distributed over a network of
nodes, has been a significant area within control and signal-processing research due to its …
nodes, has been a significant area within control and signal-processing research due to its …
Distributed heavy-ball: A generalization and acceleration of first-order methods with gradient tracking
We study distributed optimization to minimize a sum of smooth and strongly-convex
functions. Recent work on this problem uses gradient tracking to achieve linear convergence …
functions. Recent work on this problem uses gradient tracking to achieve linear convergence …
Tracking-ADMM for distributed constraint-coupled optimization
We consider constraint-coupled optimization problems in which agents of a network aim to
cooperatively minimize the sum of local objective functions subject to individual constraints …
cooperatively minimize the sum of local objective functions subject to individual constraints …
Tailoring gradient methods for differentially private distributed optimization
Decentralized optimization is gaining increased traction due to its widespread applications
in large-scale machine learning and multiagent systems. The same mechanism that enables …
in large-scale machine learning and multiagent systems. The same mechanism that enables …
Distributed algorithms for composite optimization: Unified framework and convergence analysis
We study distributed composite optimization over networks: agents minimize a sum of
smooth (strongly) convex functions–the agents' sum-utility–plus a nonsmooth (extended …
smooth (strongly) convex functions–the agents' sum-utility–plus a nonsmooth (extended …
Differentially private distributed optimization via state and direction perturbation in multiagent systems
This article studies the problem of distributed optimization in multiagent systems where each
agent seeks to minimize the sum of all agents' objective functions using only local …
agent seeks to minimize the sum of all agents' objective functions using only local …
Distributed optimization for smart cyber-physical networks
The presence of embedded electronics and communication capabilities as well as sensing
and control in smart devices has given rise to the novel concept of cyber-physical networks …
and control in smart devices has given rise to the novel concept of cyber-physical networks …