Amblyopia and binocular vision
EE Birch - Progress in retinal and eye research, 2013 - Elsevier
Amblyopia is the most common cause of monocular visual loss in children, affecting 1.3%–
3.6% of children. Current treatments are effective in reducing the visual acuity deficit but …
3.6% of children. Current treatments are effective in reducing the visual acuity deficit but …
[HTML][HTML] Stereopsis and amblyopia: A mini-review
Amblyopia is a neuro-developmental disorder of the visual cortex that arises from abnormal
visual experience early in life. Amblyopia is clinically important because it is a major cause …
visual experience early in life. Amblyopia is clinically important because it is a major cause …
[HTML][HTML] Rethinking amblyopia 2020
DM Levi - Vision research, 2020 - Elsevier
Recent work has transformed our ideas about the neural mechanisms, behavioral
consequences and effective therapies for amblyopia. Since the 1700′ s, the clinical …
consequences and effective therapies for amblyopia. Since the 1700′ s, the clinical …
[HTML][HTML] Amblyopia and the binocular approach to its therapy
There is growing evidence that abnormal binocular interactions play a key role in amblyopia.
In particular, stronger suppression of the amblyopic eye has been associated with poorer …
In particular, stronger suppression of the amblyopic eye has been associated with poorer …
[HTML][HTML] Development of human visual function
O Braddick, J Atkinson - Vision research, 2011 - Elsevier
By 1985 newly devised behavioural and electrophysiological techniques had been used to
track development of infants' acuity, contrast sensitivity and binocularity, and for clinical …
track development of infants' acuity, contrast sensitivity and binocularity, and for clinical …
[BOK][B] Visual masking: Time slices through conscious and unconscious vision
B Breitmeyer, H Ogmen - 2006 - books.google.com
Our visual system can process information at both conscious and unconscious levels.
Understanding the factors that control whether a stimulus reaches our awareness, and the …
Understanding the factors that control whether a stimulus reaches our awareness, and the …
[HTML][HTML] Perceptual learning as a potential treatment for amblyopia: a mini-review
DM Levi, RW Li - Vision research, 2009 - Elsevier
Amblyopia is a developmental abnormality that results from physiological alterations in the
visual cortex and impairs form vision. It is a consequence of abnormal binocular visual …
visual cortex and impairs form vision. It is a consequence of abnormal binocular visual …
Amblyopia: prevalence, natural history, functional effects and treatment
Amblyopia, defined as poor vision due to abnormal visual experience early in life, affects
approximately three per cent of the population and carries a projected lifetime risk of visual …
approximately three per cent of the population and carries a projected lifetime risk of visual …
[HTML][HTML] A dichoptic custom-made action video game as a treatment for adult amblyopia
Previous studies have employed different experimental approaches to enhance visual
function in adults with amblyopia including perceptual learning, videogame play, and …
function in adults with amblyopia including perceptual learning, videogame play, and …