Surrogate indirect adaptive controller tuning based on polynomial response surface method and bioinspired optimization: Application to the brushless direct current …
The increment of autonomous systems has stimulated the research of new controller tuning
techniques to face the unpredictable disturbances and parametric uncertainties inherent in …
techniques to face the unpredictable disturbances and parametric uncertainties inherent in …
Optimal participating of the distributed generation sources in the re-structured power systems with optimized fuzzy logic controller
Due to increasing the demand of electrical energy and non-economic development of the
centralized power plant, the electrical industry has been tended toward using the …
centralized power plant, the electrical industry has been tended toward using the …
Automatic generation control using PSO optimized PI and optimal fuzzy controller
The operation of power system requires maintaining the balance between the load and
generation. The system experiences load variations which results deviations in frequency …
generation. The system experiences load variations which results deviations in frequency …
Using optimal fuzzy logic controller to improve transient fluctuations in deregulated power system with random variable load
In power system any unpredictable variations of consumption load will cause fluctuation in
frequency and the transferred power between the lines. Load frequency control is one of the …
frequency and the transferred power between the lines. Load frequency control is one of the …
[PDF][PDF] GA Technique to Solve the Load Frequency and Tie-Line Power Problem of Thermal Generating Unit
A Dhamanda, GS Rawat - Advances in Networks, 2019 - researchgate.net
For a wide role of a electric power system, Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is
responsible to area load changes and abnormal imprecise system operating parameters …
responsible to area load changes and abnormal imprecise system operating parameters …
Metody inteligencji obliczeniowej w elektroenergetyce
D Baczyński - Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej …, 2013 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
W rozprawie przedstawiono wybrane zastosowania zaproponowanego przez autora
algorytmu ekosystemowego, na tle analizy metod inteligencji obliczeniowej …
algorytmu ekosystemowego, na tle analizy metod inteligencji obliczeniowej …
Control Strategies for Transient Stability of Power Grid for Large Sudden Change in Electrical Load
The aim of this paper is to design modern control strategies to enhance the control
performance of multi area automatic generation control of thermal-thermal power plant …
performance of multi area automatic generation control of thermal-thermal power plant …
Improved Control Design for AGC of Two Area Thermal-Thermal Power System Using Hybrid Fuzzy-PID Control
Automatic generation control plays vital role to change generation with respect to load
changes. In the existing research work, the non linearity, noise and settling time is …
changes. In the existing research work, the non linearity, noise and settling time is …
Automatic Generation Control Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Considering Wind Fluctuations
Q Chen, G He, C Lv, X Yang… - 2018 8th International …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the increasing of the wind power capacity, new requirements for load frequency control
considering wind power penetrate is put forward. To solve the wind power fluctuations on …
considering wind power penetrate is put forward. To solve the wind power fluctuations on …
[การอ้างอิง][C] 互联电网 AGC 的分数阶 PID 控制
杨**, 董国威 - 电力系统及其自动化学报, 2013