Gender norms and social norms: differences, similarities and why they matter in prevention science

B Cislaghi, L Heise - Sociology of health & illness, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Two streams of theory and practice on gender equity have begun to elide. The first is work
conducted to change social norms, particularly using theory that emerged from studies in …

Map** the social-norms literature: An overview of reviews

S Legros, B Cislaghi - Perspectives on Psychological …, 2020 -
The theoretical literature on social norms is multifaceted and at times contradictory. Looking
at existing reviews, we aimed to offer a more complete understanding of its current status. By …

Embedding values in artificial intelligence (AI) systems

I Van de Poel - Minds and machines, 2020 - Springer
Organizations such as the EU High-Level Expert Group on AI and the IEEE have recently
formulated ethical principles and (moral) values that should be adhered to in the design and …

[HTML][HTML] Нарративный анализ в экономической теории как восхождение к сложности

ВЛ Тамбовцев - Вопросы экономики, 2020 -
Аннотация В статье проанализированы два «поворота», произошедшие в последние
десятилетия в экономической науке,—к сложности и к субъективной информации,—и …

How we learn social norms: a three-stage model for social norm learning

W Zhang, Y Liu, Y Dong, W He, S Yao, Z Xu… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
As social animals, humans are unique to make the world function well by develo**,
maintaining, and enforcing social norms. As a prerequisite among these norm-related …

Minding morality: ethical artificial societies for public policy modeling

SY Diallo, FLR Shults, WJ Wildman - AI & society, 2021 - Springer
Public policies are designed to have an impact on particular societies, yet policy-oriented
computer models and simulations often focus more on articulating the policies to be applied …

[PDF][PDF] Разработка социальной политики на основе сочетания агент-ориентированного и межотраслевого подходов

ТС Новикова, АА Цыплаков - OF THE NEW ECONOMIC …, 2021 -
В статье предлагается методический подход для оценки последствий государственной
социальной политики на основе расширенной агент-ориентированной …

Requirements for an artificial agent with norm competence

BF Malle, P Bello, M Scheutz - Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM …, 2019 -
Human behavior is frequently guided by social and moral norms, and no human community
can exist without norms. Robots that enter human societies must therefore behave in norm …

[КНИГА][B] Collective agency and cooperation in natural and artificial systems

C Misselhorn - 2015 - Springer
This volume brings together approaches from philosophy, engineering, computer science
and AI. The aim of this introductory article is to provide a conceptual framework in order to …

[HTML][HTML] Narrative analysis in economics as climbing complexity

VL Tambovtsev - Voprosy ekonomiki, 2020 -
Two turns in economics during last decades are analyzed—complexity turn, and information
turn, and the narrative analysis role for these turns realization is discussed. Basic framework …