Bi-directional center-constrained top-ranking for visible thermal person re-identification
Visible thermal person re-identification (VT-REID) is a task of matching person images
captured by thermal and visible cameras, which is an extremely important issue in night-time …
captured by thermal and visible cameras, which is an extremely important issue in night-time …
[PDF][PDF] Visible thermal person re-identification via dual-constrained top-ranking.
Cross-modality person re-identification between the thermal and visible domains is
extremely important for night-time surveillance applications. Existing works in this filed …
extremely important for night-time surveillance applications. Existing works in this filed …
Alignedreid++: Dynamically matching local information for person re-identification
Person re-identification (ReID) is a challenging problem, where global features of person
images are not enough to solve unaligned image pairs. Many previous works used human …
images are not enough to solve unaligned image pairs. Many previous works used human …
Call attention to rumors: Deep attention based recurrent neural networks for early rumor detection
The proliferation of social media in communication and information dissemination has made
it an ideal platform for spreading rumors. Automatically debunking rumors at their stage of …
it an ideal platform for spreading rumors. Automatically debunking rumors at their stage of …
Multiview spectral clustering via structured low-rank matrix factorization
Multiview data clustering attracts more attention than their single-view counterparts due to
the fact that leveraging multiple independent and complementary information from multiview …
the fact that leveraging multiple independent and complementary information from multiview …
Deep-person: Learning discriminative deep features for person re-identification
Person re-identification (Re-ID) requires discriminative features focusing on the full person
to cope with inaccurate person bounding box detection, background clutter, and occlusion …
to cope with inaccurate person bounding box detection, background clutter, and occlusion …
Deep learning algorithms for person re-identification: Sate-of-the-art and research challenges
Person re-identification has received a lot of attention from the research community in recent
times. Due to its vital role in security based applications, person re-identification lies at the …
times. Due to its vital role in security based applications, person re-identification lies at the …
Where-and-when to look: Deep siamese attention networks for video-based person re-identification
Video-based person re-identification (re-id) is a central application in surveillance systems
with a significant concern in security. Matching persons across disjoint camera views in their …
with a significant concern in security. Matching persons across disjoint camera views in their …
Deep attention-based spatially recursive networks for fine-grained visual recognition
Fine-grained visual recognition is an important problem in pattern recognition applications.
However, it is a challenging task due to the subtle interclass difference and large intraclass …
However, it is a challenging task due to the subtle interclass difference and large intraclass …
Asymmetric cross-scale alignment for text-based person search
Z Ji, J Hu, D Liu, LY Wu, Y Zhao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Text-based person search (TBPS) is of significant importance in intelligent surveillance,
which aims to retrieve pedestrian images with high semantic relevance to a given text …
which aims to retrieve pedestrian images with high semantic relevance to a given text …