Signaling mechanisms in abscisic acid‐mediated stomatal closure
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a central role in the regulation of stomatal
movements under water‐deficit conditions. The identification of ABA receptors and the ABA …
movements under water‐deficit conditions. The identification of ABA receptors and the ABA …
Guard cell metabolism and stomatal function
The control of gaseous exchange between the leaf and external atmosphere is governed by
stomatal conductance (gs); therefore, stomata play a critical role in photosynthesis and …
stomatal conductance (gs); therefore, stomata play a critical role in photosynthesis and …
Energy costs of salt tolerance in crop plants
Agriculture is expanding into regions that are affected by salinity. This review considers the
energetic costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants and provides a framework for a …
energetic costs of salinity tolerance in crop plants and provides a framework for a …
Optogenetic manipulation of stomatal kinetics improves carbon assimilation, water use, and growth
Stomata serve dual and often conflicting roles, facilitating carbon dioxide influx into the plant
leaf for photosynthesis and restricting water efflux via transpiration. Strategies for reducing …
leaf for photosynthesis and restricting water efflux via transpiration. Strategies for reducing …
Engineering stomata for enhanced carbon capture and water-use efficiency
Stomatal pores facilitate gaseous exchange between the inner air spaces of the leaf and the
atmosphere. As gatekeepers that balance CO 2 entry for photosynthesis against …
atmosphere. As gatekeepers that balance CO 2 entry for photosynthesis against …
Engineering a K+ channel 'sensory antenna' enhances stomatal kinetics, water use efficiency and photosynthesis
Stomata of plant leaves open to enable CO2 entry for photosynthesis and close to reduce
water loss via transpiration. Compared with photosynthesis, stomata respond slowly to …
water loss via transpiration. Compared with photosynthesis, stomata respond slowly to …
Multifaceted role and regulation of aquaporins for efficient stomatal movements
Stomata are micropores on the leaf epidermis that allow carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake for
photosynthesis at the expense of water loss through transpiration. Stomata coordinate the …
photosynthesis at the expense of water loss through transpiration. Stomata coordinate the …
The receptor-like pseudokinase GHR1 is required for stomatal closure
Guard cells control the aperture of stomatal pores to balance photosynthetic carbon dioxide
uptake with evaporative water loss. Stomatal closure is triggered by several stimuli that …
uptake with evaporative water loss. Stomatal closure is triggered by several stimuli that …
Guard cell starch degradation yields glucose for rapid stomatal opening in Arabidopsis
Abstract Starch in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) guard cells is rapidly degraded at the
start of the day by the glucan hydrolases α-AMYLASE3 (AMY3) and β-AMYLASE1 (BAM1) to …
start of the day by the glucan hydrolases α-AMYLASE3 (AMY3) and β-AMYLASE1 (BAM1) to …
The poorly‐explored stomatal response to temperature at constant evaporative demand
Abstract Changes in leaf temperature are known to drive stomatal responses, because the
leaf‐to‐air water vapour gradient (Δw) increases with temperature if ambient vapour …
leaf‐to‐air water vapour gradient (Δw) increases with temperature if ambient vapour …