[PDF][PDF] A comparison and critique of different scat‐analysis methods for determining carnivore diet

U Klare, JF Kamler, DW Macdonald - Mammal Review, 2011 - researchgate.net
For terrestrial carnivores, scat analysis is the technique most often used to determine diets.
Various methods of interpreting scat-analysis data exist; however, little is known about how …

Feeding ecological knowledge: the underutilised power of faecal DNA approaches for carnivore diet analysis

P Monterroso, R Godinho, T Oliveira… - Mammal …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Accurate analyses of the diets of predators are key to understand trophic interactions and
defining conservation strategies. Diets are commonly assessed through analysis of non …

Invading white‐tailed deer change wolf–caribou dynamics in northeastern Alberta

ADM Latham, MC Latham… - The Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Human‐caused habitat change has been implicated in current woodland caribou (Rangifer
tarandus caribou) population declines across North America. Increased early seral habitat …

Seasonal diet and prey preference of the African lion in a waterhole-driven semi-arid savanna

Z Davidson, M Valeix, F Van Kesteren, AJ Loveridge… - PloS one, 2013 - journals.plos.org
Large carnivores inhabiting ecosystems with heterogeneously distributed environmental
resources with strong seasonal variations frequently employ opportunistic foraging …

[Књига][B] Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques

L Boitani, RA Powell - 2012 - books.google.com
Animals that must hunt and kill for at least part of their living are inherently interesting to
many people and the role that carnivores play in biological communities attract interest from …

Bias in carnivore diet analysis resulting from misclassification of predator scats based on field identification

DJ Morin, SD Higdon, JL Holub… - Wildlife Society …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Diet studies are frequently used to improve understanding of predator ecology, potential
effects of carnivores on prey populations, and competition among predators. However, field …

Prey choice and diet of wolves related to ungulate communities and wolf subpopulations in Poland

W Jędrzejewski, M Niedziałkowska… - Journal of …, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Wolves (Canis lupus) belong to 3 genetically distinct subpopulations despite the absence of
topographic barriers limiting dispersal. Based on data on wolf diets from 13 localities and …

Anthropogenic food resources sustain wolves in conflict scenarios of Western Iran

A Mohammadi, M Kaboli, V Sazatornil, JV López-Bao - PloS one, 2019 - journals.plos.org
The feeding ecology of gray wolves has been investigated extensively worldwide. Despite
previous studies on food habits of wolves in Asia and Iran, none has focused on the diet of …

A comparison of food habits and prey preference of Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) at three sites in the Russian Far East

LL Kerley, AS Mukhacheva, DS Matyukhina… - Integrative …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Prey availability is one of the principal drivers of tiger distribution and abundance. Therefore,
formulating effective conservation strategies requires a clear understanding of tiger diet. We …

The spatio‐temporal distribution of wild and domestic ungulates modulates lynx kill rates in a multi‐use landscape

V Gervasi, EB Nilsen, J Odden, Y Bouyer… - Journal of …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Depredation on livestock and competition with hunters for game species are prominent
among the conflicts that the return of large carnivores generates in multi‐use landscapes …