[HTML][HTML] Историк и мир (больших) данных: вызовы цифрового поворота

ЛИ Бородкин - Историческая информатика, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Предметом статьи являются современные вызовы и проблемы, связанные с развитием
исторической науки в условиях цифрового поворота и массовой оцифровкой …

Exploring the digital humanities research agenda: a text mining approach

S Joo, J Hootman, M Katsurai - Journal of Documentation, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to explore knowledge structure and research trends in the domain
of digital humanities (DH) in the recent decade. The study identified prevailing topics and …

A review of ontologies for augmented reality cultural heritage applications

A Vlachos, M Perifanou… - Journal of Cultural Heritage …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review ontologies and data models currently in use
for augmented reality (AR) applications, in the cultural heritage (CH) domain, specifically in …

Sociotechnical factors affecting interoperability of digital humanities

R Liu, D McKay, G Buchanan - Proceedings of the Association …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
In the past two decades, the digitization of humanities resources has rapidly expanded,
giving rise to the field of Digital Humanities (DH). This evolution has fostered a growing need …

Models and modelling between digital and humanities. remarks from a multidisciplinary perspective

A Ciula, Ø Eide, C Marras, P Sahle - Historical Social Research/Historische …, 2018 - JSTOR
We here introduce the latest issue of Historical Social Research Supplement (No. 31). In
“Models and Modelling between Digital and Humanities-A Multidisciplinary Perspective” we …

Database design of the Malaysia public figures web archive repository: a social and cultural heritage web collections

FD Saiful Bahry, N Amran, TE Putri… - Collection and Curation, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose The growth of web emerging technology and data visual demand from the World
Wide Web (WWW) makes the need for information repositories become vital. Proper …

Designing interfaces for legal artifacts. using storytelling to enhance digital legal experiences

A Polanía, S de Francisco Vela - International Conference on Design and …, 2022 - Springer
Most legal content and procedures turn out to be so complex for citizens. Many of these are
found in laws, decrees, statutes, and regulations considered legal artifacts. To access legal …

Modelling: thinking in practice. An introduction

A Ciula, Ø Eide, C Marras, P Sahle - Historical Social Research/Historische …, 2018 - JSTOR
In this introduction of the HSR Supplement “Models and Modelling between Digital and
Humanities-A Multidisciplinary Perspective” we refrain from providing a normative definition …

Knowledge Based Approach for the Digitalization of Historic Built Heritage: Information Integration and Semantic Interoperability

M Lauria, A Quattrocchi, S Buglisi - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New …, 2024 - Springer
The dual digital and ecological revolution and the related implementation actions of digital
and cognitive technologies for lifecycle management of the built environment require a …

[PDF][PDF] Digital Humanities and Semantic Web: The New Frontiers of Transdisciplinary Knowledge

A Sorbara - Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 2020 - na-businesspress.com
The Digital Humanities is a field of study, research, and teaching, that arises from the union
of humanities and digital disciplines. It includes research, analysis and dissemination of …