Ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) associated with mammals in Colombia: a historical review, molecular species confirmation, and establishment of new relationships
M Ortíz-Giraldo, WD Tobón-Escobar… - Parasitology …, 2021 - Springer
Ticks are considered the second most important vectors of pathogens worldwide, after
mosquitoes. This study provides a systematic review of vector-host relationships between …
mosquitoes. This study provides a systematic review of vector-host relationships between …
[HTML][HTML] Polychromophilus (Haemosporida: Plasmodiidae): A review of association with bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) and the first record in the Neotropical bat, Myotis …
DF Ceballos-Pérez, J Alvarez-Londoño… - International Journal for …, 2024 - Elsevier
Some species within the family Plasmodiidae (Haemosporida) have been extensively
studied due to their implications for human health. However, for other haemosporidians that …
studied due to their implications for human health. However, for other haemosporidians that …
Lista actualizada de la diversidad de los mamíferos del Perú y una propuesta para su actualización
La lista de mamíferos del Perú más reciente, publicada en el año 2020, compiló un total de
569 especies y 82 especies endémicas, sin embargo, en corto tiempo varios cambios …
569 especies y 82 especies endémicas, sin embargo, en corto tiempo varios cambios …
[HTML][HTML] Map** the way: identifying priority potential corridors for protected areas connectivity in Colombia
Colombia has experienced alarming rates of deforestation, posing a threat to forest
biodiversity both inside and outside protected areas. Furthermore, a decline in ecological …
biodiversity both inside and outside protected areas. Furthermore, a decline in ecological …
Spotting what's important: Priority areas, connectivity, and conservation of the Northern Tiger Cat (Leopardus tigrinus) in Colombia
Leopardus tigrinus is among the least known carnivore species in the Neotropics, including
considerable taxonomic uncertainty. Here we model the distribution, connectivity and …
considerable taxonomic uncertainty. Here we model the distribution, connectivity and …
[HTML][HTML] Factors outside privately protected areas determine mammal assemblages in a global biodiversity hotspot in the Andes
MJ Bedoya-Durán, OE Murillo-García… - Global Ecology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Privately protected areas with voluntary forest protection are promoted as an innovative
solution for biodiversity conservation across the globe, particularly in regions where high …
solution for biodiversity conservation across the globe, particularly in regions where high …
External validation of prognostic models predicting pre-eclampsia: individual participant data meta-analysis
Background Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and
morbidity. Early identification of women at risk during pregnancy is required to plan …
morbidity. Early identification of women at risk during pregnancy is required to plan …
[HTML][HTML] Bats are an excellent sentinel model for the detection of genotoxic agents. Study in a Colombian Caribbean region
Wildlife animals have been affected by human activities and the diminution of the areas
needed to develop wildlife. In Colombia, artisanal and industrial mining focuses on gold …
needed to develop wildlife. In Colombia, artisanal and industrial mining focuses on gold …
[HTML][HTML] Vacíos de información espacial sobre la riqueza de mamíferos terrestres continentales de Colombia
RESUMEN A pesar de los avances en la compilación de registros primarios de especies,
sesgos en la calidad y accesibilidad a la información dificultan el estudio de patrones …
sesgos en la calidad y accesibilidad a la información dificultan el estudio de patrones …
Genetic diversity of Bartonella spp. among cave-dwelling bats from Colombia
CR Silva-Ramos, JA Ballesteros-Ballesteros… - Acta Tropica, 2024 - Elsevier
Bartonella is a bacterial genus that comprises arthropod-borne microorganisms. Several
Bartonella isolates have been detected from bats worldwide, which are thought to be …
Bartonella isolates have been detected from bats worldwide, which are thought to be …