Gender-biased parasitism in small mammals: patterns, mechanisms, consequences

BR Krasnov, F Bordes, IS Khokhlova, S Morand - 2012 -
This article reviews patterns, causes and consequences of gender-biased infestation of
small mammalian hosts by macroparasites. We start with a description of gender biases in …

Condition indices for conservation: new uses for evolving tools

RD Stevenson, WA Woods Jr - Integrative and comparative …, 2006 -
Biologists have developed a wide range of morphological, biochemical and physiological
metrics to assess the health and, in particular, the energetic status of individual animals …

The influence of sex and sociality on parasite loads in an African ground squirrel

MA Hillegass, JM Waterman, JD Roth - Behavioral Ecology, 2008 -
Male-biased parasite loads, which are common in vertebrates, could be a consequence of
sexual selection, and for species that group, the costs of parasites could vary with group size …

Ectoparasite load of small mammals in the Serengeti Ecosystem: effects of land use, season, host species, age, sex and breeding status

M Shilereyo, F Magige, PS Ranke, JO Ogutu… - Parasitology …, 2022 - Springer
Ectoparasite load in small mammals can be influenced by both environmental conditions
and host species characteristics. However, the nature of these influences is poorly …

Relating endocrinology, physiology and behaviour using species with alternative mating strategies

DB Miles, B Sinervo, LC Hazard… - Functional …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Recent reviews demonstrate that genetically determined alternative mating
strategies (AMS) are widespread and typically consist of morphs that are recognized by …

Host body mass, not sex, affects ectoparasite loads in yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis

M Zduniak, S Serafini, A Wróbel, R Zwolak - Parasitology Research, 2023 - Springer
We investigated the presence and potential causes of sex bias in ectoparasite infestations in
the yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis. We compared the natural tick and flea …

Individual variation underlies large‐scale patterns: Host conditions and behavior affect parasitism

AM Brehm, VR Assis, LB Martin, JL Orrock - Ecology, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Identifying the factors that affect host–parasite interactions is essential for understanding the
ecology and dynamics of vector‐borne diseases and may be an important component of …

Can mite parasitism affect the condition of bat hosts? Implications for the social structure of colonial bats

SI Lourenço, JM Palmeirim - Journal of Zoology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Ectoparasitism may be recognized as one of the main costs of coloniality, but little is known
about how it affects the fitness and social structure of bats, the most gregarious of mammals …

Parasitism by bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) on neotropical bats: effects of host body size, distribution, and abundance

BD Patterson, CW Dick, K Dittmar - Parasitology Research, 2008 - Springer
We examined the correlations between prevalence (proportion of infested individuals),
mean intensity (number of parasites per infested individual), and the number of bat fly …

Relationships between hormones, physiological performance and immunocompetence in a color-polymorphic lizard species, Podarcis melisellensis

K Huyghe, JF Husak, A Herrel, Z Tadić, IT Moore… - Hormones and …, 2009 - Elsevier
Species with alternative phenotypes offer unique opportunities to investigate hormone–
behavior relationships. We investigated the relationships between testosterone …