[KNIHA][B] Physics of tsunamis
BW Levin, M Nosov - 2009 - Springer
In the first edition, we paid attention not only to tsunami waves, but to related phenomena,
namely, seaquakes, as well, which to a significant extent reflected the interests of the …
namely, seaquakes, as well, which to a significant extent reflected the interests of the …
Constraints on fault slip rates of the southern California plate boundary from GPS velocity and stress inversionsFree GPT-4 DeepSeek
Summary We use Global Positioning System (GPS) velocities and stress orientations
inferred from seismicity to invert for the distribution of slip on faults in the southern California …
inferred from seismicity to invert for the distribution of slip on faults in the southern California …
A new method for the computation of global viscoelastic post-seismic deformation in a realistic earth model (I)—vertical displacement and gravity variation
We introduce a new method by which to compute global post-seismic deformation (PSD) in
a spherically symmetric, self-gravitating viscoelastic earth model. Previous methods are …
a spherically symmetric, self-gravitating viscoelastic earth model. Previous methods are …
Solving the dynamic rupture problem with different numerical approaches and constitutive laws
A Bizzarri, M Cocco, DJ Andrews… - Geophysical Journal …, 2001 - academic.oup.com
We study the dynamic initiation, propagation and arrest of a 2-D in-plane shear rupture by
solving the elastodynamic equation by using both a boundary integral equation method and …
solving the elastodynamic equation by using both a boundary integral equation method and …
New estimates of secular sea level rise from tide gauge data and GIA modelling
During the last three decades, at least 30 independent estimates of the secular global mean
sea level rise (GMSLR) have been published, based on sufficiently long tide gauge (TG) …
sea level rise (GMSLR) have been published, based on sufficiently long tide gauge (TG) …
Effects of Earth's layered structure, gravity and curvature on coseismic deformation
J Dong, W Sun, X Zhou, R Wang - Geophysical Journal …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
The effects of Earth's layered structure, gravity and curvature on coseismic deformation are
systematically quantified for all fundamental point sources and some finite-fault sources …
systematically quantified for all fundamental point sources and some finite-fault sources …
Interpretation of interseismic deformations and the seismic cycle associated with large subduction earthquakes
The deformations of the overriding and subducting plates during the seismic cycle
associated with large subduction earthquakes are modelled using 2D and 3D finite element …
associated with large subduction earthquakes are modelled using 2D and 3D finite element …
2015 年 4 月 25 日尼泊尔 MS8. 1 大地震的同震效应
张贝, 程惠红, 石耀霖 - 地球物理学报, 2015 - dsjyj.com.cn
应用有限单元方法, 计算了2015 年尼泊尔MS8. 1 大地震发生产生的同震变形和应力变化.
计算中考虑地球为球体以确保远场应力场变化得到可靠结果, 采用PREM 模型的地球分层模型 …
计算中考虑地球为球体以确保远场应力场变化得到可靠结果, 采用PREM 模型的地球分层模型 …
[HTML][HTML] Geodetic observations of post-seismic transients in the context of the earthquake deformation cycle
KL Feigl, W Thatcher - Comptes …, 2006 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Satellite geodetic techniques that can measure displacements with millimeter-level accuracy
reveal transient signals in the deformation fields produced by both moderate and large …
reveal transient signals in the deformation fields produced by both moderate and large …