Static synchronous compensators (STATCOM): a review
Fast acting static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), a representative of FACTS family,
is a promising technology being extensively used as the state-of-the-art dynamic shunt …
is a promising technology being extensively used as the state-of-the-art dynamic shunt …
[PDF][PDF] DSTATCOM control algorithms: a review
The concept that an inverter can be used as a generalized impedance converter to realize
either inductive or capacitive reactance has been widely used to mitigate power quality …
either inductive or capacitive reactance has been widely used to mitigate power quality …
Control strategies for distribution static compensator for power quality improvement
Abstract Distribution Static Compensator is an important device in correcting power factor,
maintaining constant distribution voltage, and mitigating harmonics in a distribution network …
maintaining constant distribution voltage, and mitigating harmonics in a distribution network …
A new mathematical model and control of D-StatCom for operation under unbalanced conditions
B Blažič, I Papič - Electric power systems research, 2004 - Elsevier
This paper discusses the operation of a distribution static compensator (D-StatCom) under
unbalanced conditions when the compensator exchanges also negative-sequence currents …
unbalanced conditions when the compensator exchanges also negative-sequence currents …
Control algorithms for distribution static compensator
Reactive power compensation in a power distribution network plays a vital role in improving
power quality, correcting power factor and maintaining constant distribution voltage. Among …
power quality, correcting power factor and maintaining constant distribution voltage. Among …
Novel controllers based on instantaneous pq power theory for transformerless SSSC and STATCOM
This paper investigates the operational performances of transformerless static synchronous
series compensator (SSSC) and transformerless static synchronous shunt compensator …
series compensator (SSSC) and transformerless static synchronous shunt compensator …
A novel controller based on single-phase instantaneous pq power theory for a cascaded PWM transformer-less STATCOM for voltage regulation
In this paper, dynamic performance of a transformerless cascaded PWM static synchronous
shunt compensator (STATCOM) based on a novel control scheme is investigated for bus …
shunt compensator (STATCOM) based on a novel control scheme is investigated for bus …
A STATCOM based variable structure control for power system oscillations dam**
The problem of underdamped power oscillations in transmission systems is addressed in
this paper. Different algorithms for STATCOM voltage control are designed to inject extra …
this paper. Different algorithms for STATCOM voltage control are designed to inject extra …
Design and implementation of DSTATCOM for fast load compensation of unbalanced loads
WN Chang, KD Yeh - Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2009 - jmstt.ntou.edu.tw
This paper proposes a distribution level static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) for
fast load compensation of unbalanced loads in electric power distribution systems. For fast …
fast load compensation of unbalanced loads in electric power distribution systems. For fast …
Optimización multicriterio de flujos de potencia reactiva en sistemas eléctricos de distribución
A Águila Téllez - 2021 - repository.upb.edu.co
El presente proyecto plantea un algoritmo multicriterio que permita optimizar los flujos de
potencia reactiva en redes de distribución basado en la minimización de pérdidas de …
potencia reactiva en redes de distribución basado en la minimización de pérdidas de …