[HTML][HTML] Built environmental correlates of physical activity in China: A review

K Day - Preventive medicine reports, 2016 - Elsevier
Objective China faces growing levels of physical inactivity and obesity, associated with
increasing urbanization and changing lifestyles in recent years. China is expanding its cities …

[图书][B] The illegal wildlife trade: Inside the world of poachers, smugglers and traders

DP Van Uhm - 2016 - books.google.com
In this book the author examines the illegal wildlife trade from multiple perspectives: the
historical context, the impact on the environment, the scope of the problem internationally …

[图书][B] Putting fear of crime on the map: Investigating perceptions of crime using geographic information systems

BJ Doran, MB Burgess - 2011 - books.google.com
Since first emerging as an issue of concern in the late 1960s, fear of crime has become one
of the most researched topics in contemporary criminology and receives considerable …

[图书][B] The chinese city

W Wu, P Gaubatz - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
China's cities are home to 10 percent of the world's population today. They display
unprecedented dynamism under the country's surging economic power. Their remarkable …

Social ties, collective efficacy, and crime-specific fear in Seattle neighborhoods

Y Yuan, S McNeeley - Victims & offenders, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
While research suggests that individuals' interactions with their communities—such as their
social integration into the community and perceptions of collective efficacy—impact their …

Establishing trust in the illegal wildlife trade in China

DP van Uhm, RWY Wong - Asian Journal of Criminology, 2019 - Springer
This study focusses on the role of trust in the illegal distribution of protected wildlife in China.
This research attempts to contribute to the literature by disentangling the establishment of …

Extra-legal protection in China: How guanxi distorts China's legal system and facilitates the rise of unlawful protectors

P Wang - British Journal of Criminology, 2014 - academic.oup.com
This paper incorporates the concept of guanxi—a Chinese version of personal connections,
networks or social capital—into the discussion of police corruption and the rise of extra-legal …

A neglected population: Media consumption, perceived risk, and fear of crime among international students

L Shi - Journal of interpersonal violence, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
The 4.5 million international students worldwide bring in multifold benefits to the
advancement of culture, economy, and national security in education host countries …

[图书][B] Policing China: Street-level cops in the shadow of protest

SE Scoggins - 2021 - books.google.com
In Policing China, Suzanne E. Scoggins delves into the paradox of China's self-projection of
a strong security state while having a weak police bureaucracy. Assessing the problems of …

[PDF][PDF] Collective efficacy and crime

JR Hipp, JC Wo - International encyclopedia of the social & …, 2015 - ilssc.soceco.uci.edu
In this article, we explore the literature on collective efficacy and crime, but pay attention to
three major challenges that confront this literature, and researchers moving forward with the …