A review of swarm robotics tasks
L Bayındır - Neurocomputing, 2016 - Elsevier
Swarm intelligence principles have been widely studied and applied to a number of different
tasks where a group of autonomous robots is used to solve a problem with a distributed …
tasks where a group of autonomous robots is used to solve a problem with a distributed …
Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective
Swarm robotics is an approach to collective robotics that takes inspiration from the self-
organized behaviors of social animals. Through simple rules and local interactions, swarm …
organized behaviors of social animals. Through simple rules and local interactions, swarm …
Research advance in swarm robotics
Y Tan, Z Zheng - Defence Technology, 2013 - Elsevier
The research progress of swarm robotics is reviewed in details. The swarm robotics inspired
from nature is a combination of swarm intelligence and robotics, which shows a great …
from nature is a combination of swarm intelligence and robotics, which shows a great …
[КНИГА][B] Evolutionary robotics
Evolutionary Robotics is a method for automatically generating artificial brains and
morphologies of autonomous robots. This approach is useful both for investigating the …
morphologies of autonomous robots. This approach is useful both for investigating the …
Swarmanoid: a novel concept for the study of heterogeneous robotic swarms
Swarm robotics systems are characterized by decentralized control, limited communication
between robots, use of local information, and emergence of global behavior. Such systems …
between robots, use of local information, and emergence of global behavior. Such systems …
Botnet detection by monitoring group activities in DNS traffic
Recent malicious attempts are intended to get financial benefits through a large pool of
compromised hosts, which are called software robots or simply" bots." A group of bots …
compromised hosts, which are called software robots or simply" bots." A group of bots …
Evolution of collective behaviors for a real swarm of aquatic surface robots
Swarm robotics is a promising approach for the coordination of large numbers of robots.
While previous studies have shown that evolutionary robotics techniques can be applied to …
While previous studies have shown that evolutionary robotics techniques can be applied to …
Evolution of self-organized task specialization in robot swarms
Division of labor is ubiquitous in biological systems, as evidenced by various forms of
complex task specialization observed in both animal societies and multicellular organisms …
complex task specialization observed in both animal societies and multicellular organisms …
Autonomous task sequencing in a robot swarm
L Garattoni, M Birattari - Science Robotics, 2018 - science.org
Robot swarms mimic natural systems in which collective abilities emerge from the interaction
of individuals. So far, the swarm robotics literature has focused on the emergence of …
of individuals. So far, the swarm robotics literature has focused on the emergence of …
A survey on large-population systems and scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning
The analysis and control of large-population systems is of great interest to diverse areas of
research and engineering, ranging from epidemiology over robotic swarms to economics …
research and engineering, ranging from epidemiology over robotic swarms to economics …