Controlling chaos in the Belousov—Zhabotinsky reaction

V Petrov, V Gaspar, J Masere, K Showalter - Nature, 1993 -
DETERMINISTIC chaos is characterized by long-term unpredictability arising from an
extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. Such behaviour may be undesirable, particularly for …

Navigating complex labyrinths: optimal paths from chemical waves

O Steinbock, Á Tóth, K Showalter - Science, 1995 -
The properties of excitable media are exploited to find minimum-length paths in complex
labyrinths. Optimal pathways are experimentally determined by the collection of time-lapse …

Stability analysis of singular patterns in the 1D Gray-Scott model: a matched asymptotics approach

A Doelman, RA Gardner, TJ Kaper - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1998 - Elsevier
In this work, we analyze the linear stability of singular homoclinic stationary solutions and
spatially periodic stationary solutions in the one-dimensional Gray-Scott model. This stability …

Waves in systems with cross-diffusion as a new class of nonlinear waves

MA Tsyganov, VN Biktashev, J Brindley… - Physics …, 2007 -
Research on spatially extended excitable systems with cross-diffusion components is
reviewed. Particular attention is given to the new phenomena of the quasi-soliton and half …

Spatio-temporal chaos for the Gray–Scott model

Y Nishiura, D Ueyama - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2001 - Elsevier
A new geometrical criterion for the transition to spatio-temporal chaos (STC) arising in the
Gray–Scott model is presented. This is based on the inter-relationship of global bifurcating …

A skeleton structure of self-replicating dynamics

Y Nishiura, D Ueyama - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 1999 - Elsevier
Self-replicating patterns (SRP) have been observed in several chemical reaction models,
such as the Gray–Scott (GS) model, as well as in physical experiments. Watching these …

Rise and fall of periodic patterns for a generalized Klausmeier–Gray–Scott model

S van der Stelt, A Doelman, G Hek… - Journal of nonlinear …, 2013 - Springer
In this paper we introduce a conceptual model for vegetation patterns that generalizes the
Klausmeier model for semi-arid ecosystems on a sloped terrain (Klausmeier in Science 284 …

Actin and PIP3 waves in giant cells reveal the inherent length scale of an excited state

M Gerhardt, M Ecke, M Walz, A Stengl… - Journal of Cell …, 2014 -
The membrane and actin cortex of a motile cell can autonomously differentiate into two
states, one typical of the front, the other of the tail. On the substrate-attached surface of …

Quasisoliton interaction of pursuit-evasion waves in a predator-prey system

MA Tsyganov, J Brindley, AV Holden, VN Biktashev - Physical review letters, 2003 - APS
We consider a system of partial differential equations describing two spatially distributed
populations in a “predator-prey” interaction with each other. The spatial evolution is …

The stability and dynamics of localized spot patterns in the two-dimensional Gray–Scott model

W Chen, MJ Ward - SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2011 - SIAM
The dynamics and stability of multispot patterns to the Gray–Scott (GS) reaction-diffusion
model in a two-dimensional domain is studied in the singularly perturbed limit of small …