Timing side-channel attacks and countermeasures in CPU microarchitectures
Microarchitectural vulnerabilities, such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit subtle
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
Survey of transient execution attacks and their mitigations
Transient execution attacks, also known as speculative execution attacks, have drawn much
interest in the last few years as they can cause critical data leakage. Since the first …
interest in the last few years as they can cause critical data leakage. Since the first …
NDA: Preventing speculative execution attacks at their source
Speculative execution attacks like Meltdown and Spectre work by accessing secret data in
wrong-path execution. Secrets are then transmitted and recovered by the attacker via a …
wrong-path execution. Secrets are then transmitted and recovered by the attacker via a …
{DOLMA}: Securing speculation with the principle of transient {Non-Observability}
Modern processors allow attackers to leak data during transient (ie, mis-speculated)
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
execution through microarchitectural covert timing channels. While initial defenses were …
Speculative interference attacks: Breaking invisible speculation schemes
Recent security vulnerabilities that target speculative execution (eg, Spectre) present a
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …
significant challenge for processor design. These highly publicized vulnerabilities use …
SoK: Practical foundations for software Spectre defenses
Spectre vulnerabilities violate our fundamental assumptions about architectural abstractions,
allowing attackers to steal sensitive data despite previously state-of-the-art …
allowing attackers to steal sensitive data despite previously state-of-the-art …
Challenges and pitfalls in malware research
As the malware research field became more established over the last two decades, new
research questions arose, such as how to make malware research reproducible, how to …
research questions arose, such as how to make malware research reproducible, how to …
Opening pandora's box: A systematic study of new ways microarchitecture can leak private data
Microarchitectural attacks have plunged Computer Architecture into a security crisis. Yet, as
the slowing of Moore's law justifies the use of ever more exotic microarchitecture, it is likely …
the slowing of Moore's law justifies the use of ever more exotic microarchitecture, it is likely …
Half&half: Demystifying intel's directional branch predictors for fast, secure partitioned execution
This paper presents Half&Half, a novel software defense against branch-based side-
channel attacks. Half&Half isolates the effects of different protection domains on the …
channel attacks. Half&Half isolates the effects of different protection domains on the …
{ProSpeCT}: Provably Secure Speculation for the {Constant-Time} Policy
We propose ProSpeCT, a generic formal processor model providing provably secure
speculation for the constant-time policy. For constant-time programs under a non …
speculation for the constant-time policy. For constant-time programs under a non …