Machine learning for synthetic data generation: a review

Y Lu, M Shen, H Wang, X Wang, C van Rechem… - ar**_Problem_MLF/links/0deec5328063473edc000000/A-Practical-Parameterized-Algorithm-for-the-Individual-Haploty**-Problem-MLF.pdf#page=12" data-clk="hl=no&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=9&d=1556140885074473433&ei=4KLGZ92lCJuoieoPoZvUwQ4" data-clk-atid="2XFT4-OFmBUJ" target="_blank">[PDF]

Differential privacy: A survey of results

C Dwork - International conference on theory and applications of …, 2008 - Springer
Over the past five years a new approach to privacy-preserving data analysis has born fruit
[13, 18, 7, 19, 5, 37, 35, 8, 32]. This approach differs from much (but not all!) of the related …