Outcome after closed functional treatment of humeral shaft fractures

R Ekholm, J Tidermark, H Törnkvist… - … of orthopaedic trauma, 2006 - journals.lww.com
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the outcome after an isolated humeral
shaft fracture treated primarily nonoperatively with a fracture brace. Setting: University …

Set it and forget it: diaphyseal fractures of the humerus undergo minimal change in angulation after functional brace application

AM Crespo, SR Konda, KA Egol - The Iowa Orthopaedic …, 2018 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Objectives To quantify radiographic changes observed in humeral shaft frctures throughout
course of treatment with functional bracing. Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting Level …

Treatment of humeral shaft fractures by closed fixation using multiple intramedullary Kirschner wires

SA Qidwai - Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2000 - journals.lww.com
Background The purpose of this study is to present the results of closed fixation of humeral
shaft fractures with multiple intramedullary Kirschner wires. Methods Twenty-nine humeral …

Initial management of humeral shaft fractures with functional splints versus coaptation splints

LR Chambers, P Juels, C Mauffrey, JA Parry - European Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Purpose Humerus shaft fractures are commonly acutely immobilized with coaptation splints
(CS), which can be difficult to apply and poorly tolerated by the patient. Functional splints …

[PDF][PDF] Osteosíntesis de la diáfisis del húmero con placas

CJ Reyes, MP Valencia, LA García - Serie de casos. Rev Col de Or Tra, 2005 - sccot.org.co
Las fracturas diafisiarias del húmero son susceptibles de manejo con diversos métodos de
tratamiento. Cuando se indica manejo quirúrgico, se puede elegir entre fijación con placa o …

The results for the treatment of humeral shaft fractures using functional bracing

V KIRDEMİR, A ŞEHİRLİOĞLU, B BAYKAL… - Gülhane Tip …, 2005 - search.proquest.com
Functional brace is a common method of treatment used on the humeral shaft fractures. Our
aim is to report results of the treatment of functional brace which we used for closed humeral …

[CARTE][B] Humeral shaft fractures: epidemiology outcome

R Ekholm - 2007 - search.proquest.com
Humeral shaft fractures account for 1-3% of all fractures and approximately 20% of all
humeral fractures. Non-operative treatment with functional bracing has been regarded as …

Conservative-functional treatment of humeral shaft fractures

T Klestil, C Rangger, P Gföller, M Rieger - Trauma und Berufskrankheit, 2000 - Springer
Die konservativ-funktionelle Behandlung von Oberarmschaftbrüchen erweist sich nach wie
vor als erfolgreich und ist mit wenigen Komplikationen behaftet. In einem Kollektiv von 63 …

[PDF][PDF] Osteosíntesis en fracturas diafisarias de húmero en adultos

J Mercado García - 2019 - ecosistema.buap.mx
" El húmero es la estructura ósea que conforma al brazo de la extremidad superior,
delimitado supra proximalmente de la inserción del músculo pectoral mayor e infra …

Study Of Surgical Management Of Diaphyseal Fractures Of Humerus By Open Reduction And Internal Fixation With Dynamic Compression Plate And Screws

S Sharad - 2018 -
INTRODUCTION: Fractures of the humeral diaphysis has been estimated previously as
representing between 3% and 5%. Operative treatment for humerus fractures has usually …