Establishing a standard protocol for soil texture analysis using the laser diffraction technique
Optical methods including laser diffraction have been increasingly used to measure soil
texture and particle size distribution. However, they have not been adopted yet as a routine …
texture and particle size distribution. However, they have not been adopted yet as a routine …
[HTML][HTML] Determination of aggregate stability in kaolinitic subsoils using an energy-based, laser diffraction method
Traditional aggregate stability methodologies, such as wet sieving, rainfall simulation, and
chemical dispersion, measure aggregate size, rather than stability. Sonication methods …
chemical dispersion, measure aggregate size, rather than stability. Sonication methods …
Creek System and Regional Patterns of Juncus roemerianus Stress and Links to Salt Marsh Loss on the Florida Gulf Coast
Sea-level rise and adverse environmental conditions (eg, drought, herbivory, and altered
sedimentation and hydrology) stress coastal salt marsh vegetation, leading to reduced …
sedimentation and hydrology) stress coastal salt marsh vegetation, leading to reduced …
Evaluating methodological parameters to quantify particle size of organic soil material with laser diffraction
The recognition that texture is a “master soil property” points toward the need for actual
quantification of particle size in organic soil material. Using a multi‐wave particle size …
quantification of particle size in organic soil material. Using a multi‐wave particle size …
Long‐term integration of bahiagrass into a cover‐cropped and strip‐tilled peanut–cotton rotation has a limited effect on soil carbon and other soil properties
Integrating a perennial forage grass like bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) into the
traditional rotation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) …
traditional rotation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) …
Development of sandy soil properties within subtropical residential landscapes
Urbanization is homogenizing residential developments and soils across a wide climate
gradient of the United States. Land development practices commonly install landscapes on …
gradient of the United States. Land development practices commonly install landscapes on …
Edaphic distinctiveness of Florida subtropical calcareous wet grasslands1
Subtropical calcareous wet grasslands (SCWG) are pyrogenic hyper-seasonal grasslands
with exceptional vascular plant biodiversity and conservation value in south-central Florida …
with exceptional vascular plant biodiversity and conservation value in south-central Florida …
Combined effect of a pretreatment and optical settings on the laser diffraction particle size distribution of soils and sediments
Purpose The two main challenges in providing good quality granulometric data are the
limitations of laser diffraction method and the insufficient chemical pretreatments. The …
limitations of laser diffraction method and the insufficient chemical pretreatments. The …
Effect of soil particle size and extraction method on the oral bioaccessibility of arsenic
Recent findings indicate that incidental ingestion of soil by humans primarily involves soil
particles< 150 µm, rather than< 250 µm-sized fraction previously used for most oral …
particles< 150 µm, rather than< 250 µm-sized fraction previously used for most oral …
Morphologic and hydrologic distinctions between shallow and deep podzolized carbon in the southeastern United States Coastal Plain
Podzolization imparts soils and landforms of the southeastern United States Coastal Plain
with two distinct pools of organic carbon (C), referred to as shallow podzolized C (SPC) and …
with two distinct pools of organic carbon (C), referred to as shallow podzolized C (SPC) and …