Balancing QoS and security in the edge: Existing practices, challenges, and 6G opportunities with machine learning
While the emerging 6G networks are anticipated to meet the high-end service quality
demands of the mobile edge users in terms of data rate and delay satisfaction, new attack …
demands of the mobile edge users in terms of data rate and delay satisfaction, new attack …
A perspective on 6G: Requirement, technology, enablers, challenges and future road map
PP Ray - Journal of Systems Architecture, 2021 - Elsevier
Mobile network operators are at the verge of distribution and allotment of existing mobile
communications with 5G. It is a high time that we should be focused on the forthcoming sixth …
communications with 5G. It is a high time that we should be focused on the forthcoming sixth …
White paper on broadband connectivity in 6G
This white paper explores the road to implementing broadband connectivity in future 6G
wireless systems. Different categories of use cases are considered, from extreme capacity …
wireless systems. Different categories of use cases are considered, from extreme capacity …
Physical-layer schemes for wireless coded caching
We investigate the potentials of applying the coded caching paradigm in wireless networks.
In order to do this, we investigate physical layer schemes for downlink transmission from a …
In order to do this, we investigate physical layer schemes for downlink transmission from a …
Fundamental limits of combinatorial multi-access caching
This work identifies the fundamental limits of multi-access coded caching (MACC) where
each user is connected to multiple caches in a manner that follows a generalized …
each user is connected to multiple caches in a manner that follows a generalized …
Low-complexity high-performance cyclic caching for large MISO systems
Multi-antenna coded caching is known to combine a global caching gain that is proportional
to the cumulative cache size found across the network, with an additional spatial …
to the cumulative cache size found across the network, with an additional spatial …
Enhancing next-generation extended reality applications with coded caching
M Salehi, K Hooli, J Hulkkonen… - IEEE Open Journal of the …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The next evolutionary step in human-computer interfaces will bring forward immersive digital
experiences that submerge users in a 3D world while allowing them to interact with virtual or …
experiences that submerge users in a 3D world while allowing them to interact with virtual or …
Resolving the feedback bottleneck of multi-antenna coded caching
Multi-antenna cache-aided wireless networks were thought to suffer from a severe feedback
bottleneck, since achieving the maximal Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) performance required …
bottleneck, since achieving the maximal Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) performance required …
Multi-antenna coded caching for location-dependent content delivery
Human-computer interaction continuously evolves towards a genuinely immersive
experience, submerging users in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world. A realistic …
experience, submerging users in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world. A realistic …
Subpacketization-rate trade-off in multi-antenna coded caching
Coded caching can be applied in wireless multi-antenna communications by multicast
beamforming coded data chunks to carefully selected user groups and using the existing file …
beamforming coded data chunks to carefully selected user groups and using the existing file …