The economic impact of the Black Death
Abstract The Black Death was the largest demographic shock in European history. We
review the evidence for the origins, spread, and mortality of the disease. We document that it …
review the evidence for the origins, spread, and mortality of the disease. We document that it …
[ספר][B] How the world became rich: The historical origins of economic growth
Most humans are significantly richer than their ancestors. Humanity gained nearly all of its
wealth in the last two centuries. How did this come to pass? How did the world become rich …
wealth in the last two centuries. How did this come to pass? How did the world become rich …
The mechanics of the Industrial Revolution
Although there are many competing explanations for the Industrial Revolution, there has
been no effort to evaluate them econometrically. This paper analyzes how the very different …
been no effort to evaluate them econometrically. This paper analyzes how the very different …
The rise of the engineer: Inventing the professional inventor during the Industrial Revolution
WW Hanlon - 2022 - nber.org
ABSTRACT Why was the Industrial Revolution successful at generating sustained growth?
Some have argued that there was a fundamental change in the way that new technology …
Some have argued that there was a fundamental change in the way that new technology …
The long-run impact of the dissolution of the English monasteries
We use the effect of the Dissolution of the English Monasteries after 1535 to test the
commercialization hypothesis about the roots of long-run English economic development …
commercialization hypothesis about the roots of long-run English economic development …
Flow of ideas: Economic societies and the rise of useful knowledge
Economic societies emerged during the late eighteenth-century. We argue that these
institutions reduced the costs of accessing useful knowledge by adopting, producing, and …
institutions reduced the costs of accessing useful knowledge by adopting, producing, and …
[PDF][PDF] The holy land of industrialism: Rethinking the Industrial Revolution
Various explanations of Britain's economic technological leadership between 1760 and
1850 have been proposed for many decades and have dealt with many aspects of British …
1850 have been proposed for many decades and have dealt with many aspects of British …
[HTML][HTML] Technological adoption in the business sector: origin, evolution, and research trends
Abstract DUQUE, Pedro and DIAZ, Sergio. Technological Adoption in the Business Sector:
Origin, Evolution, and Research Trends. rev. univ. empresa [online]. 2024, vol. 26, n. 46 …
Origin, Evolution, and Research Trends. rev. univ. empresa [online]. 2024, vol. 26, n. 46 …
[HTML][HTML] Economic growth before the Industrial Revolution: Rural production and guilds in the European Little Divergence
This paper explains how England became a high-income economy from the 15th to 18th
centuries. The appropriate level of natural land suitability in the northern region of England …
centuries. The appropriate level of natural land suitability in the northern region of England …
Fighting for growth: Labor scarcity and technological progress during the British industrial revolution
We collect new data and present new evidence on the effects of labor scarcity on the
adoption of labor-saving technology in industrializing England. Where the British armed …
adoption of labor-saving technology in industrializing England. Where the British armed …