[KNYGA][B] Care revolution: Schritte in eine solidarische Gesellschaft
G Winker - 2015 - degruyter.com
Sorgearbeit, meist von Frauen geleistet und häufig nicht entlohnt, nimmt als Thema meiner
wissenschaftlichen und politischen Tätigkeit seit vielen Jahren einen großen Raum ein. Mir …
wissenschaftlichen und politischen Tätigkeit seit vielen Jahren einen großen Raum ein. Mir …
Causal modelling in fertility research: A review of the literature and an application to a parental leave policy reform
M Kreyenfeld - Comparative Population Studies, 2021 - comparativepopulationstudies.de
This paper reviews empirical studies that have examined the causal determinants of fertility
behaviour. In particular, we compare the approaches adopted in the different disciplines to …
behaviour. In particular, we compare the approaches adopted in the different disciplines to …
[KNYGA][B] A long goodbye to Bismarck?: the politics of welfare reform in continental Europe
B Palier - 2010 - library.oapen.org
This book provides an extensive and comparative account of all welfare reforms that
occurred during the last three decades in Continental European countries. It reveals …
occurred during the last three decades in Continental European countries. It reveals …
Three shortcomings of the social investment perspective
In this article we critically assess the social investment perspective that has become the
dominant paradigm in European social policymaking. We identify and discuss some of its …
dominant paradigm in European social policymaking. We identify and discuss some of its …
[KNYGA][B] Theorien des Sozialstaats zur Einführung
S Lessenich - 2016 - books.google.com
Der Sozialstaat ist eine Basisinstitution moderner, demokratisch-kapitalistischer
Gesellschaften. Als solche ist er nicht nur sozialwissenschaftlich interessant, sondern auch …
Gesellschaften. Als solche ist er nicht nur sozialwissenschaftlich interessant, sondern auch …
[KNYGA][B] Transformations in EU gender equality: From emergence to dismantling
S Jacquot - 2015 - books.google.com
In a context of economic and budgetary crisis, this book presents a long-term analysis of the
transformations of EU gender equality. It analyses the mechanisms of construction …
transformations of EU gender equality. It analyses the mechanisms of construction …
Telework and its effects in Europe
L Gschwind, O Vargas - Telework in the 21st Century, 2019 - elgaronline.com
Europe combines several unique features in regard to the development, incidence and
effects of telework. Many countries on the continent have seen large-scale economic shifts …
effects of telework. Many countries on the continent have seen large-scale economic shifts …
Gender equality in Europe and the effect of work-family balance policies on gender-role attitudes
This study starts from the assumption that the context of opportunities for work-family
balance affects individual attitudes toward gender roles, a main indicator of support for …
balance affects individual attitudes toward gender roles, a main indicator of support for …
[KNYGA][B] Social policy in the European Union
KM Anderson - 2015 - Springer
The men who negotiated the Treaty of Rome in the 1950s viewed social policy as the
exclusive province of the member states; European Union (EU) intervention would only be …
exclusive province of the member states; European Union (EU) intervention would only be …
[PDF][PDF] El redescubrimiento del trabajo de cuidados: algunas reflexiones desde la sociología
P Carrasquer - Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, 2013 - redcontraviolencias.com.ar
Este artículo presenta algunas reflexiones sobre la (re) emergencia del trabajo de cuidados
como objeto de estudio en la sociología contemporánea, en el contexto de la crisis de los …
como objeto de estudio en la sociología contemporánea, en el contexto de la crisis de los …