Improving abiotic stress tolerance of forage grasses–prospects of using genome editing
Due to an increase in the consumption of food, feed, and fuel and to meet global food
security needs for the rapidly growing human population, there is a necessity to obtain high …
security needs for the rapidly growing human population, there is a necessity to obtain high …
Low temperature stress in plants: an overview of roles of cryoprotectants in defense
K Bhandari, H Nayyar - … Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies in Plants …, 2013 - Springer
Among all the environmental stresses, temperature stress, especially cold stress, has been
reported to have very wide and far-reaching consequences on various agricultural and …
reported to have very wide and far-reaching consequences on various agricultural and …
Increased expression of OsSPX1 enhances cold/subfreezing tolerance in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana
L Zhao, F Liu, W Xu, C Di, S Zhou… - Plant biotechnology …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Low temperature is a major environmental stress for plants. Many important cultivated crops
have limited capacity to survive below freezing/subfreezing temperatures. Low inorganic …
have limited capacity to survive below freezing/subfreezing temperatures. Low inorganic …
Transcriptomic and metabolomic insights on the molecular mechanisms of flower buds in responses to cold stress in two Camellia oleifera cultivars
YJ Wang, LL Wu, M Sun, Z Li, XF Tan… - Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023 -
Introduction The Camellia oleifera (C. oleifera) cultivars' Huashuo'(HS) and'Huaxin'(HX) are
new high-yielding and economically valuable cultivars that frequently encounter prolonged …
new high-yielding and economically valuable cultivars that frequently encounter prolonged …
Comparative studies on tolerance of Medicago truncatula and Medicago falcata to freezing
LL Zhang, MG Zhao, QY Tian, WH Zhang - Planta, 2011 - Springer
Medicago falcata is a legume species that exhibits great capacity of tolerance to abiotic
stresses. To elucidate the mechanism underlying tolerance of M. falcata to freezing, we …
stresses. To elucidate the mechanism underlying tolerance of M. falcata to freezing, we …
Sucrose‐Phosphate Synthase and Sucrose Synthase contribute to refoliation in ryegrass, a grassland fructan‐accumulating species
N Noiraud‐Romy, A Berthier, F Meuriot… - Physiologia …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The perennity of grassland species such as Lolium perenne greatly depends on their ability
to regrow after cutting or grazing. Refoliation largely relies on the mobilization of fructans in …
to regrow after cutting or grazing. Refoliation largely relies on the mobilization of fructans in …
Changes in Lolium perenne transcriptome during cold acclimation in two genotypes adapted to different climatic conditions
SW Abeynayake, S Byrne, I Nagy, K Jonavičienė… - BMC plant biology, 2015 - Springer
Background Activation of numerous protective mechanisms during cold acclimation is
important for the acquisition of freezing tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) …
important for the acquisition of freezing tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) …
Sprayed biodegradable liquid film improved the freezing tolerance of cv. Cabernet Sauvignon by up-regulating soluble protein and carbohydrate levels and alleviating …
X Han, F Yao, T Xue, Z Wang, Y Wang, X Cao… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 -
Most cultivars of Vitis vinifera L. are very sensitive to cold. As an exogenous protectant,
Biodegradable Liquid Film (BLF) is considered to protect winegrapes from low temperatures …
Biodegradable Liquid Film (BLF) is considered to protect winegrapes from low temperatures …
Cloning and functional analysis of a fructosyltransferase cDNA for synthesis of highly polymerized levans in timothy (Phleum pratense L.)
K Tamura, A Kawakami, Y Sanada… - Journal of …, 2009 -
Variation in the structures of plant fructans and their degree of polymerization (DP) can be
explained as the result of diverse combinations of fructosyltransferases (FTs) with different …
explained as the result of diverse combinations of fructosyltransferases (FTs) with different …
Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in arbuscular mycorrhizal maize plants under low-temperature stress
XC Zhu, FB Song, FL Liu, SQ Liu… - Crop and Pasture …, 2015 - CSIRO Publishing
Effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus tortuosum on carbon (C) and
nitrogen (N) metabolism of Zea mays L. grown under low-temperature stress was …
nitrogen (N) metabolism of Zea mays L. grown under low-temperature stress was …