The relation between short-term emotion dynamics and psychological well-being: A meta-analysis.

M Houben, W Van Den Noortgate… - Psychological …, 2015 -
Not only how good or bad people feel on average, but also how their feelings fluctuate
across time is crucial for psychological health. The last 2 decades have witnessed a surge in …

[HTML][HTML] Mood as representation of momentum

E Eldar, RB Rutledge, RJ Dolan, Y Niv - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2016 -
Experiences affect mood, which in turn affects subsequent experiences. Recent studies
suggest two specific principles. First, mood depends on how recent reward outcomes differ …

Complex affect dynamics add limited information to the prediction of psychological well-being

E Dejonckheere, M Mestdagh, M Houben… - Nature human …, 2019 -
Over the years, many studies have demonstrated a relation between emotion dynamics and
psychological well-being. Because our emotional life is inherently time-dynamic,,,–, affective …

Dynamic structural equation models

T Asparouhov, EL Hamaker… - … equation modeling: a …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents dynamic structural equation modeling (DSEM), which can be used to
study the evolution of observed and latent variables as well as the structural equation …

Ambulatory assessment

TJ Trull, U Ebner-Priemer - Annual review of clinical psychology, 2013 -
Ambulatory assessment (AA) covers a wide range of assessment methods to study people in
their natural environment, including self-report, observational, and biological/physiological …

Why researchers should think" within-person": A paradigmatic rationale.

EL Hamaker - 2012 -
This chapter presents reasoning for taking an alternative research approach to the study of
processes that unfold within individuals over time as part of their daily lives. To this end I …

Mix it to fix it: Emotion regulation variability in daily life.

ES Blanke, A Brose, EK Kalokerinos, Y Erbas… - Emotion, 2020 -
Emotion regulation (ER) strategies are often categorized as universally adaptive or
maladaptive. However, it has recently been proposed that this view is overly simplistic …

Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling.

LL Carstensen, B Turan, S Scheibe, N Ram… - Psychology and …, 2011 -
Recent evidence suggests that emotional well-being improves from early adulthood to old
age. This study used experience-sampling to examine the developmental course of …

Mindfulness and its relationship to emotional regulation.

CLM Hill, JA Updegraff - Emotion, 2012 -
Research on the effectiveness and mechanisms of mindfulness training applied in
psychotherapy is still in its infancy (Erisman & Roemer, 2010). For instance, little is known …

Ecological momentary assessment in physical activity research

GF Dunton - Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 2017 -
Physical activity reduces risks of many serious health conditions, including coronary heart
disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers (20). To achieve substantial health …