The impact of tetracycline pollution on the aquatic environment and removal strategies
Antibacterial drugs are among the most commonly used medications in the world.
Tetracycline is a widely used antibiotic for human and animal therapy due to its broad …
Tetracycline is a widely used antibiotic for human and animal therapy due to its broad …
Removal of tetracycline from wastewater using g-C3N4 based photocatalysts: a review
Tetracycline is currently one of the most consumed antibiotics for human therapy, veterinary
purpose, and agricultural activities. Tetracycline worldwide consumption is expected to rise …
purpose, and agricultural activities. Tetracycline worldwide consumption is expected to rise …
Occurrence, fate, and risk assessment of typical tetracycline antibiotics in the aquatic environment: A review
L Xu, H Zhang, P **ong, Q Zhu, C Liao… - Science of the total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Tetracyclines (TCs), used as human and veterinary medicines, are the most widely used
antibiotics. More than 75% of TCs are excreted in an active form and released into the …
antibiotics. More than 75% of TCs are excreted in an active form and released into the …
Tetracyclines in the environment: An overview on the occurrence, fate, toxicity, detection, removal methods, and sludge management
Tetracyclines (TCs) are a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics having vast human, veterinary,
and aquaculture applications. The continuous release of TCs residues into the environment …
and aquaculture applications. The continuous release of TCs residues into the environment …
Molecularly imprinted polymer-based electrochemical sensors for environmental analysis
P Rebelo, E Costa-Rama, I Seguro, JG Pacheco… - Biosensors and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The ever-increasing presence of contaminants in environmental waters is an alarming issue,
not only because of their harmful effects in the environment but also because of their risk to …
not only because of their harmful effects in the environment but also because of their risk to …
Antibiotics traces in the aquatic environment: persistence and adverse environmental impact
Antibiotics are rightly regarded as one of the marvelous scientific discoveries of the 20th
century that revolutionized both veterinary and human medicine. Nevertheless, the …
century that revolutionized both veterinary and human medicine. Nevertheless, the …
Simultaneously efficient adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline by Fe-based MOFs
Recently, Fe-based metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted increasing attention
and been widely used. To date, however, it is unknown whether they can be employed to …
and been widely used. To date, however, it is unknown whether they can be employed to …
A review on tetracycline removal from aqueous systems by advanced treatment techniques
Tetracycline (TC), a frequently used drug for human and veterinary therapeutics, is among
the most common antibiotic residues found in nature. Lack of advanced treatment …
the most common antibiotic residues found in nature. Lack of advanced treatment …
Enhanced adsorption of tetracycline by an iron and manganese oxides loaded biochar: Kinetics, mechanism and column adsorption
A Fe/Mn oxides loaded biochar (FeMn-BC) was prepared to enhance the adsorption of
tetracycline (TC). γ-Fe 2 O 3 and MnO 2 were assigned to the Fe and Mn oxides …
tetracycline (TC). γ-Fe 2 O 3 and MnO 2 were assigned to the Fe and Mn oxides …
Removal of tetracycline antibiotics by adsorption and photocatalytic-degradation processes in aqueous solutions using metal organic frameworks (MOFs): A …
Tetracsyclines (TCs) are a class of antibiotics which could be applied for the treatment of
infectious diseases. In fact, the extensive use of TCs has posed serious challenges in the …
infectious diseases. In fact, the extensive use of TCs has posed serious challenges in the …