High‐diversity seed additions promote herb‐layer recovery during restoration of degraded oak woodland
Seed limitation represents a fundamental constraint to the restoration of native plant
communities, and practitioners often apply seed additions to overcome this barrier …
communities, and practitioners often apply seed additions to overcome this barrier …
Influence of ecological characteristics and phylogeny on native plant species' commercial availability
Plant vendors generate a commercial species pool, the subset of species in a regional flora
that is purchasable. The availability of plant species from commercial vendors can influence …
that is purchasable. The availability of plant species from commercial vendors can influence …
Exotic species explain plant functional trait differences between seed mixes, restored and reference prairies
Questions Are community‐weighted plant functional traits related to the 'fast–slow'growth
rate continuum different in seed mixes, restored and reference prairies? If so, then what are …
rate continuum different in seed mixes, restored and reference prairies? If so, then what are …
Common, showy, and perennial species dominate a restoration species pool
Native seed vendors are a primary source of germplasm for restoration projects; however,
most plant species are not commercially available. Preferences in the types of species that …
most plant species are not commercially available. Preferences in the types of species that …
Species composition and ecological characteristics of native seed mixes in the Midwest (USA)
J Zinnen, JW Matthews - Ecological Restoration, 2022 - er.uwpress.org
ABSTRACT The midwestern United States has a well-developed native plant industry with a
wide variety of native seed mixes available to buyers, often for the purpose of ecological …
wide variety of native seed mixes available to buyers, often for the purpose of ecological …
Processes underlying restoration of temperate savanna and woodland ecosystems: Emerging themes and challenges
Open forests of savanna and woodlands span the spectrum between closed canopy forests
and treeless grasslands, and therefore contain structure, composition, and function …
and treeless grasslands, and therefore contain structure, composition, and function …
Dispersal and persistence traits inform long-term understory plant community change in encroached savannas
Savanna plant communities are highly diverse, characterized by an open-canopy structure
with a rich herbaceous understory, and maintained by frequent low-intensity fire and …
with a rich herbaceous understory, and maintained by frequent low-intensity fire and …
Effects of Traditional and Microbially-Focused Restoration Techniques on Soil Communities In Tallgrass Prairies
ZJ Whitacre - 2021 - scholarworks.wmich.edu
Tallgrass prairies have virtually disappeared in many parts of their former range due to the
conversion of this ecosystem to farmland. In more recent years there have been efforts to …
conversion of this ecosystem to farmland. In more recent years there have been efforts to …