Designing output-feedback predictive controllers by reverse-engineering existing LTI controllers

EN Hartley, JM Maciejowski - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2013‏ -
An approach to designing a constrained output-feedback predictive controller that has the
same small-signal properties as a pre-existing output-feedback linear time invariant …

Reverse-engineering existing controllers for MPC design

J Maciejowski - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2007‏ - Elsevier
We propose a method for finding the cost function and state estimator to be used in MPC, in
order to obtain the same controller as a given low-order controller when constraints are …

Multi-objective H2/H∞/impulse-to-peak control of a space launch vehicle

D Arzelier, B Clement, D Peaucelle - European Journal of Control, 2006‏ - Elsevier
A multi-objective synthesis problem involving H 2, H∞ and impulse-to-peak performances is
investigated. In general, multi-objective control problems are hard problems to solve and do …

Initial tuning of predictive controllers by reverse engineering

EN Hartley, JM Maciejowski - 2009 European Control …, 2009‏ -
This paper demonstrates a method for finding the cost function and state observer to be
used in model predictive control (MPC) so that when constraints are inactive a pre-existing …

Trends in theory of control system design status report prepared by the ifac coordinating committee on design methods

R Bars, P Colaneri, L Dugard, F Allgöwer… - IFAC Proceedings …, 2008‏ - Elsevier
Control theory deals with disciplines and methods leading to an automatic decision process
in order to improve the performance of a control system. The evolution of control engineering …

Cross standard form: a solution to improve a given controller with H 2 or H specifications

F Delmond, D Alazard, C Cumer - International Journal of Control, 2006‏ - Taylor & Francis
This paper introduces in cross standard form (CSF) as a solution to the inverse optimal
control problem. That is, the CSF is a canonical standard problem whose unique H∞ or H 2 …

[PDF][PDF] Launcher attitude control: some additional design and optimization tools

D Alazard, N Imbert, B Clément… - CNES/EADS Conference …, 2003‏ -
This paper deals with the launcher attitude control during atmospheric flight. A two step
approach combining an H∞ control design and an optimization procedure is proposed. The …

Launcher attitude control: some answers to the robustness issue

N Imbert, B Clement - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2004‏ - Elsevier
This paper presents the main results obtained in the frame of PIROLA, a 3 years research
working group on robust control of launchers, under financial support of CNES induding …

A new approach to multi-objective control design from the viewpoint of the inverse optimal control problem

D Alazard, O Voinot, P Apkarian - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2004‏ - Elsevier
This paper introduces the Cross Standard Form (CSF) as a solution to the generalized
inverse optimal control problem. The CSF is a canonical augmented standard plant whose …

Frequency-and time-domain constrained control of linear systems Application to a flexible launch vehicle

E Chambon - 2016‏ -
In modern control design problems, both frequency-and time-domain requirements are
usually considered such that the resulting control law satisfies the specifications. Novel non …