Real, rubber or virtual: The vision of “one's own” body as a means for pain modulation. A narrative review

M Martini - Consciousness and cognition, 2016‏ - Elsevier
In the last few years a branch of pain research has been focussing on the modulatory effects
of the vision of the body on pain perception. So, for instance, the vision of one's own real …

Biased visuospatial perception in complex regional pain syndrome

L Filbrich, A Alamia, C Verfaille, A Berquin, O Barbier… - Scientific reports, 2017‏ -
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition associating sensory,
motor, trophic and autonomic symptoms in one limb. Cognitive difficulties have also been …

The visual and haptic contributions to hand perception

LA Coelho, CLR Gonzalez - Psychological research, 2018‏ - Springer
Previous research has found that the perception of our hands is distorted. The
characteristics of this distortion are an overestimation of hand width and an underestimation …

Proprioceptive errors in the localization of hand landmarks: What can be learnt about the hand metric representation?

V Peviani, G Bottini - PLoS One, 2020‏ -
Proprioception acquires a crucial role in estimating the configuration of our body segments
in space when visual information is not available. Proprioceptive accuracy is assessed by …

Sha** visual space perception through bodily sensations: Testing the impact of nociceptive stimuli on visual perception in peripersonal space with temporal order …

L Filbrich, A Alamia, S Blandiaux, S Burns, V Legrain - PloS one, 2017‏ -
Coordinating spatial perception between body space and its external surrounding space is
essential to adapt behaviors to objects, especially when they are noxious. Such coherent …

Visually induced analgesia during massage treatment in chronic back pain patients

A Löffler, J Trojan, W Zieglgänsberger… - European Journal of …, 2017‏ - Wiley Online Library
Background Previous findings suggest that watching sites of experimental and chronic pain
can exert an analgesic effect. Our present study investigates whether watching one's back …

[ספר][B] Rethinking pain in person-centred health care: Around recovery

S Buetow - 2020‏ -
This book explores how person-centred health care could be refined to help persons
alleviate pain-related distress and construct pain as a potentially positive experience …

Top-down effect of body representation on pain perception

M Matsumuro, N Ma, Y Miura, F Shibata, A Kimura - Plos one, 2022‏ -
Many studies on body representation intend to change the perceived size, material, and
structure of the body. However, whether the perception of a stimulus can be modified by …

Differential effects of visually induced analgesia and attention depending on the pain stimulation site

L Cordier, EM Ullrich, S Herpertz… - … Journal of Pain, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
Background The term 'visually induced analgesia'describes a reduced pain perception
induced by watching the painful body part as opposed to watching a neutral object. In …

Detectability and bias indices of pneumatic corneal stimuli using signal detection theory

V Jayakumar, TL Simpson - Translational Vision Science & …, 2020‏ -
Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of using signal detection theory (SDT) in estimating
criterion and detectability indices for corneal pneumatic stimuli and test corneal …