[HTML][HTML] Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2022 workshop report

C Antel, M Battaglieri, J Beacham, C Boehm… - The European Physical …, 2023‏ - Springer
Particle physics today faces the challenge of explaining the mystery of dark matter, the origin
of matter over anti-matter in the Universe, the origin of the neutrino masses, the apparent …

Direct detection of dark matter—APPEC committee report

J Billard, M Boulay, S Cebrián, L Covi… - Reports on Progress …, 2022‏ - iopscience.iop.org
This report provides an extensive review of the experimental programme of direct detection
searches of particle dark matter. It focuses mostly on European efforts, both current and …

Feebly-interacting particles: FIPs 2020 workshop report

P Agrawal, M Bauer, J Beacham, A Berlin… - The European Physical …, 2021‏ - Springer
With the establishment and maturation of the experimental programs searching for new
physics with sizeable couplings at the LHC, there is an increasing interest in the broader …

The landscape of QCD axion models

L Di Luzio, M Giannotti, E Nardi, L Visinelli - Physics Reports, 2020‏ - Elsevier
We review the landscape of QCD axion models. Theoretical constructions that extend the
window for the axion mass and couplings beyond conventional regions are highlighted and …

New experimental approaches in the search for axion-like particles

IG Irastorza, J Redondo - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Axions and other very light axion-like particles appear in many extensions of the Standard
Model, and are leading candidates to compose part or all of the missing matter of the …

Black hole superradiance of self-interacting scalar fields

M Baryakhtar, M Galanis, R Lasenby, O Simon - Physical Review D, 2021‏ - APS
Black hole superradiance is a powerful probe of light, weakly coupled hidden sector
particles. Many candidate particles, such as axions, generically have self-interactions that …

Cosmology of axion dark matter

CAJ O'Hare - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.17697, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
I present an introduction and topical review on axions as a dark matter candidate. Emphasis
is placed on issues surrounding the cosmology of axion dark matter that are relevant for …

Search for new physics with atoms and molecules

MS Safronova, D Budker, D DeMille, DFJ Kimball… - Reviews of Modern …, 2018‏ - APS
This article reviews recent developments in tests of fundamental physics using atoms and
molecules, including the subjects of parity violation, searches for permanent electric dipole …

Search for low-mass axion dark matter with ABRACADABRA-10 cm

CP Salemi, JW Foster, JL Ouellet, A Gavin… - Physical review …, 2021‏ - APS
Two of the most pressing questions in physics are the microscopic nature of the dark matter
that comprises 84% of the mass in the Universe and the absence of a neutron electric dipole …

Recent progress in the physics of axions and axion-like particles

K Choi, SH Im, CS Shin - Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle …, 2021‏ - annualreviews.org
The axion is a light pseudoscalar particle postulated to solve issues with the Standard
Model, including the strong CP problem and the origin of dark matter. In recent years, there …