[HTML][HTML] A Review on the development of lattice Boltzmann computation of macro fluid flows and heat transfer
DA Perumal, AK Dass - Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is introduced in the Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) field as a tool for research and development, but its ultimate importance …
Dynamics (CFD) field as a tool for research and development, but its ultimate importance …
[HTML][HTML] Grain-based DEM modelling of mechanical and coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of crystalline rocks
Mineral grains serve as the basic units of rocks. Understanding rock materials at the grain-
scale level allows us to unveil the underlying fundamental mechanisms, thereby facilitating …
scale level allows us to unveil the underlying fundamental mechanisms, thereby facilitating …
A coupled LBM-DEM method for simulating the multiphase fluid-solid interaction problem
In this paper, we develop a numerical model for simulating the solid-liquid-gas three-phase
flow in unconsolidated particle layers. Based on the discrete element method (DEM) and the …
flow in unconsolidated particle layers. Based on the discrete element method (DEM) and the …
[HTML][HTML] A fully resolved SPH-DEM method for heterogeneous suspensions with arbitrary particle shape
The study on fluid-solid interaction in heterogeneous suspensions is essential for theoretical
research and engineering practice. In this paper, a three-dimensional fully resolved SPH …
research and engineering practice. In this paper, a three-dimensional fully resolved SPH …
Particle–fluid–structure interaction for debris flow impact on flexible barriers
Flexible barriers are increasingly used for the protection from debris flow in mountainous
terrain due to their low cost and environmental impact. However, the development of a …
terrain due to their low cost and environmental impact. However, the development of a …
Debris flows, boulders and constrictions: a simple framework for modeling jamming, and its consequences on outflow
Large boulders can jam in constrictions, both in canyons and man‐made structures (eg, slit‐
dams). Boulder jamming occurs stochastically, and partially governs the outflow rate of …
dams). Boulder jamming occurs stochastically, and partially governs the outflow rate of …
Modeling thrombosis in silico: Frontiers, challenges, unresolved problems and milestones
Hemostasis is a complex physiological mechanism that functions to maintain vascular
integrity under any conditions. Its primary components are blood platelets and a coagulation …
integrity under any conditions. Its primary components are blood platelets and a coagulation …
A digital twin framework for machine learning optimization of aerial fire fighting and pilot safety
TI Zohdi - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The objective of this work is to model and simulate aerial drops of fire retardants in
dangerous fire environments. Specifically, the work develops a computational framework for …
dangerous fire environments. Specifically, the work develops a computational framework for …
Solving large deformation problems in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics: a state-of-the-art review of …
Coupled fluid–solid phase continuum problems associated with large deformation as
geotechnics experts encounter in slope stability problems have been extensively reviewed …
geotechnics experts encounter in slope stability problems have been extensively reviewed …
Impact forces of granular flows on rigid structures: comparison between discontinuous (DEM) and continuous (MPM) numerical approaches
The evaluation of forces due to the impact of flow-slides against structures is essential for
both risk assessment and protection structure design. However, the impact process is very …
both risk assessment and protection structure design. However, the impact process is very …