[HTML][HTML] A Review on the development of lattice Boltzmann computation of macro fluid flows and heat transfer

DA Perumal, AK Dass - Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is introduced in the Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) field as a tool for research and development, but its ultimate importance …

[HTML][HTML] Grain-based DEM modelling of mechanical and coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of crystalline rocks

L Kong, J Shang, RP Gamage, BQ Li, Y Song, W Cai… - Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
Mineral grains serve as the basic units of rocks. Understanding rock materials at the grain-
scale level allows us to unveil the underlying fundamental mechanisms, thereby facilitating …

A coupled LBM-DEM method for simulating the multiphase fluid-solid interaction problem

F Jiang, H Liu, X Chen, T Tsuji - Journal of Computational Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, we develop a numerical model for simulating the solid-liquid-gas three-phase
flow in unconsolidated particle layers. Based on the discrete element method (DEM) and the …

[HTML][HTML] A fully resolved SPH-DEM method for heterogeneous suspensions with arbitrary particle shape

C Peng, L Zhan, W Wu, B Zhang - Powder Technology, 2021 - Elsevier
The study on fluid-solid interaction in heterogeneous suspensions is essential for theoretical
research and engineering practice. In this paper, a three-dimensional fully resolved SPH …

Particle–fluid–structure interaction for debris flow impact on flexible barriers

A Leonardi, FK Wittel, M Mendoza… - … ‐Aided Civil and …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Flexible barriers are increasingly used for the protection from debris flow in mountainous
terrain due to their low cost and environmental impact. However, the development of a …

Debris flows, boulders and constrictions: a simple framework for modeling jamming, and its consequences on outflow

G Piton, SR Goodwin, E Mark… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Large boulders can jam in constrictions, both in canyons and man‐made structures (eg, slit‐
dams). Boulder jamming occurs stochastically, and partially governs the outflow rate of …

Modeling thrombosis in silico: Frontiers, challenges, unresolved problems and milestones

AV Belyaev, JL Dunster, JM Gibbins, MA Panteleev… - Physics of life …, 2018 - Elsevier
Hemostasis is a complex physiological mechanism that functions to maintain vascular
integrity under any conditions. Its primary components are blood platelets and a coagulation …

A digital twin framework for machine learning optimization of aerial fire fighting and pilot safety

TI Zohdi - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and …, 2021 - Elsevier
The objective of this work is to model and simulate aerial drops of fire retardants in
dangerous fire environments. Specifically, the work develops a computational framework for …

Impact forces of granular flows on rigid structures: comparison between discontinuous (DEM) and continuous (MPM) numerical approaches

F Ceccato, I Redaelli, C di Prisco, P Simonini - Computers and Geotechnics, 2018 - Elsevier
The evaluation of forces due to the impact of flow-slides against structures is essential for
both risk assessment and protection structure design. However, the impact process is very …