Observer design for continuous-time dynamical systems

P Bernard, V Andrieu, D Astolfi - Annual Reviews in Control, 2022 - Elsevier
We review the main design techniques of state observer design for continuous-time
dynamical systems, namely algorithms which reconstruct online the full information of a …

An overview on observer tools for nonlinear systems

G Besançon - Nonlinear observers and applications, 2007 - Springer
Contents The problem of observer design naturally arises in a system approach, as soon as
one needs some internal information from external (directly available) measurements. In …

A simple observer for nonlinear systems applications to bioreactors

JP Gauthier, H Hammouri… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1992 -
An observer for nonlinear systems is constructed under rather general technical
assumptions (the fact that some functions are globally Lipschitz). This observer works either …

Unbiased finite impluse response filtering: An iterative alternative to Kalman filtering ignoring noise and initial conditions

YS Shmaliy, S Zhao, CK Ahn - IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2017 -
If a system and its observation are both represented in state space with linear equations, the
system noise and the measurement noise are white, Gaussian, and mutually uncorrelated …

Constructive nonlinear control: a historical perspective

P Kokotović, M Arcak - Automatica, 2001 - Elsevier
In the early days of nonlinear control theory most of the stability, optimality and uncertainty
concepts were descriptive rather than constructive. This survey describes their …

Observability and observers for nonlinear systems

JP Gauthier, IAK Kupka - SIAM journal on control and optimization, 1994 - SIAM
KUPKA Page 1 SIAM J. CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION Vol. 32, No. pp. 975-994, July 1994 …

A high-gain nonlinear observer with limited gain power

D Astolfi, L Marconi - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015 -
In this note we deal with a new observer for nonlinear systems of dimension n in canonical
observability form. We follow the standard high-gain paradigm, but instead of having an …

Global stabilizability and observability imply semi-global stabilizability by output feedback

A Teel, L Praly - Systems & Control Letters, 1994 - Elsevier
Global stabilizabilit, Y and observability imply semi-global stabilizability by output feedback
Page 1 Systems & Control Letters 22 (1994) 313-325 313 North-Holland Global stabilizabilit, Y …

Global stabilization by output feedback: examples and counterexamples

F Mazenc, L Praly, WP Dayawansa - Systems & Control Letters, 1994 - Elsevier
We show by means of examples that global complete observability and global stabilizability
by state feedback are not sufficient to guarantee global stabilizability by dynamic output …

[KSIĄŻKA][B] Differential neural networks for robust nonlinear control: identification, state estimation and trajectory tracking

AS Poznyak, EN Sanchez, W Yu - 2001 -
This book deals with continuous time dynamic neural networks theory applied to the solution
of basic problems in robust control theory, including identification, state space estimation …