[ספר][B] GIS: A computing perspective
Following two successful editions, the third edition of GIS: A Computing Perspective has
been completely revised and updated, with extensive new content reflecting the significant …
been completely revised and updated, with extensive new content reflecting the significant …
Improved weighting scheme using consumer-level GNSS L5/E5a/B2a pseudorange measurements in the urban area
The accurate global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning in the dense urban
areas is still a challenge, especially for low-cost receivers. The multipath effects and non-line …
areas is still a challenge, especially for low-cost receivers. The multipath effects and non-line …
The non-technical challenges of Location Based Services markets: Are the users' concerns being ignored?
Location Based Services (LBS) market is growing rapidly, however it has faced several
challenges and issues, including the availability of reliable positioning services seamlessly …
challenges and issues, including the availability of reliable positioning services seamlessly …
Indoor positioning technology assessment using analytic hierarchy process for pedestrian navigation services
Indoor positioning is one of the biggest challenges of many Location Based Services (LBS),
especially if the target users are pedestrians, who spend most of their time in roofed areas …
especially if the target users are pedestrians, who spend most of their time in roofed areas …
Challenges of location-based services market analysis: current market description
Abstract Location-Based Services (LBS) have a huge and rapidly growing market, however
LBS market reports do not fully agree about the current market size, the exact number of LBS …
LBS market reports do not fully agree about the current market size, the exact number of LBS …
Demonstrating the potential of indoor positioning for monitoring building occupancy through ecologically valid trials
Assessing building performance related to energy consumption in post-design-occupancy
stage requires knowledge of building occupancy pattern. These occupancy data can …
stage requires knowledge of building occupancy pattern. These occupancy data can …
RTKLIB-based GPS localization for multipath mitigation in ITS applications
Currently, GPS and GNSS systems are the most popular means of localization in Intelligent
Transportation Systems. However, widely available GPS systems suffer from precision …
Transportation Systems. However, widely available GPS systems suffer from precision …
Adaptive real-time dual-mode filter design for seamless pedestrian navigation
Seamless navigation requires that the mobile device is capable of offering a position
solution both indoors and outdoors. Novel seamless navigation system design was …
solution both indoors and outdoors. Novel seamless navigation system design was …
Survey of challenges and towards a unified architecture for location systems
Localization is a key aspect of emergent applications in the medical, industrial and
consumer field. In this article we survey state of the art, identify current challenges and …
consumer field. In this article we survey state of the art, identify current challenges and …
Ubiquitous positioning based smartphone level GNSS, camera, and INS for smart city applications
HY Ho - 2024 - theses.lib.polyu.edu.hk
In recent years, the surge in smart mobility has been driven by advancements in intelligence,
sensors, and cutting-edge networks. This trend has ushered in diverse applications in …
sensors, and cutting-edge networks. This trend has ushered in diverse applications in …