Skills-focused lab instruction improves critical thinking skills and experimentation views for all students

C Walsh, HJ Lewandowski, NG Holmes - Physical Review Physics Education …, 2022 - APS
Instructional labs are fundamental to an undergraduate physics curriculum, but their
possible learning goals are vast with limited evidence to support any particular goal. In this …

Investigating the landscape of physics laboratory instruction across North America

NG Holmes, HJ Lewandowski - Physical Review Physics Education Research, 2020 - APS
Physics lab instruction is evolving in response to changing technology, a desire to better
prepare students for diverse careers, and renewed focus from physics education …

The potential of cognitive think-aloud protocols for educational action-research

J Cowan - Active Learning in Higher Education, 2019 -
This article presents the case for the use of the 'think-aloud protocol'by teachers who engage
in action-research as a source of constructive information about their students' cognitive …

Physicality, modeling, and agency in a computational physics class

AM Phillips, EJ Gouvea, BE Gravel, PH Beachemin… - Physical Review Physics …, 2023 - APS
Computation is intertwined with essentially all aspects of physics research and is invaluable
for physicists' careers. Despite its disciplinary importance, integration of computation into …

Using computational essays to foster disciplinary epistemic agency in undergraduate science

TOB Odden, DW Silvia… - Journal of Research in …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
This article reports on a study investigating how computational essays can be used to help
students in higher education STEM take up disciplinary epistemic agency—cognitive control …

Implementation and goals of quantum optics experiments in undergraduate instructional labs

V Borish, HJ Lewandowski - Physical Review Physics Education Research, 2023 - APS
As quantum information science and technology (QIST) is becoming more prevalent and
occurring not only in research labs but also in industry, many educators are considering how …

The modelling framework for experimental physics: Description, development, and applications

DR Dounas-Frazer… - European Journal of …, 2018 -
The ability to construct, use, and revise models is a crucial experimental physics skill. Many
existing frameworks describe modelling in science education at introductory levels …

Not engaging with problems in the lab: Students' navigation of conflicting data and models

AML Phillips, M Sundstrom, DG Wu, NG Holmes - Physical Review Physics …, 2021 - APS
With the adoption of instructional laboratories that require students to make their own
decisions, there is a need to better understand students' activities as they make sense of …

Sensemaking and scientific modeling: Intertwined processes analyzed in the context of physics problem solving

A Sirnoorkar, PDO Bergeron, JT Laverty - Physical Review Physics Education …, 2023 - APS
Researchers in physics education have advocated both for including modeling in science
classrooms as well as promoting student engagement with sensemaking. These two …

The effect of laboratory work style and reasoning with Arduino to improve scientific attitude.

S Hadiati, H Kuswanto, D Rosana, A Pramuda - International Journal of …, 2019 - ERIC
This study aims to examine students' reasoning based on the model in each laboratory work
style and find the effect on scientific attitude and student activity. This study uses a …