Intelligent disassembly of electric-vehicle batteries: a forward-looking overview
Retired electric-vehicle lithium-ion battery (EV-LIB) packs pose severe environmental
hazards. Efficient recovery of these spent batteries is a significant way to achieve closed …
hazards. Efficient recovery of these spent batteries is a significant way to achieve closed …
Unsupervised anomaly detection for iot-based multivariate time series: Existing solutions, performance analysis and future directions
The recent wave of digitalization is characterized by the widespread deployment of sensors
in many different environments, eg, multi-sensor systems represent a critical enabling …
in many different environments, eg, multi-sensor systems represent a critical enabling …
Interpretable anomaly detection with diffi: Depth-based feature importance of isolation forest
Anomaly Detection is an unsupervised learning task aimed at detecting anomalous
behaviors with respect to historical data. In particular, multivariate Anomaly Detection has an …
behaviors with respect to historical data. In particular, multivariate Anomaly Detection has an …
Combating the challenges of false positives in AI-driven anomaly detection systems and enhancing data security in the cloud
Anomaly detection is critical for network security, fraud detection, and system health
monitoring applications. Traditional methods like statistical approaches and distance-based …
monitoring applications. Traditional methods like statistical approaches and distance-based …
An in-depth study and improvement of isolation forest
Y Chabchoub, MU Togbe, A Boly, R Chiky - IEEE Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Historically, anomalies detection was an important issue for industrial applications such as
the detection of a manufacturing failure or defect. It is still a current topic that tries to meet the …
the detection of a manufacturing failure or defect. It is still a current topic that tries to meet the …
Layered isolation forest: A multi-level subspace algorithm for improving isolation forest
T Liu, Z Zhou, L Yang - Neurocomputing, 2024 - Elsevier
Anomaly detection is an important field in data science that has been widely researched and
applied, generating many methods. Among these methods, the isolation forest algorithm is …
applied, generating many methods. Among these methods, the isolation forest algorithm is …
Data-driven process monitoring and fault diagnosis: A comprehensive survey
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the historical development, the current state
of the art, and prospects of data-driven approaches for industrial process monitoring. The …
of the art, and prospects of data-driven approaches for industrial process monitoring. The …
Anomaly detection in multivariate time series data using deep ensemble models
Anomaly detection in time series data is essential for fraud detection and intrusion
monitoring applications. However, it poses challenges due to data complexity and high …
monitoring applications. However, it poses challenges due to data complexity and high …
Deterministic attribute selection for isolation forest
Modern data mining techniques have been gained importance in recent years. In particular,
anomaly detection algorithms, applied in key sectors of information technology, have been …
anomaly detection algorithms, applied in key sectors of information technology, have been …
Hybrid anomaly detection via multihead dynamic graph attention networks for multivariate time series
In the real world, a large number of multivariate time series data are generated by Internet of
Things systems, which are composed of many connected sensing devices. Therefore, it is …
Things systems, which are composed of many connected sensing devices. Therefore, it is …