High-pressure phases of group-IV, III–V, and II–VI compounds
Advances in the accuracy and efficiency of first-principles electronic structure calculations
have allowed detailed studies of the energetics of materials under high pressures. At the …
have allowed detailed studies of the energetics of materials under high pressures. At the …
Theoretical study of the relative stability of structural phases in group-III nitrides at high pressures
We present the results of a first-principles theoretical study of the relative stability of several
structural phases of the group–III nitrides AlN, GaN, and InN that complements the picture of …
structural phases of the group–III nitrides AlN, GaN, and InN that complements the picture of …
High-pressure phases of group IV and III-Vsemiconductors
GJ Ackland - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2001 - iopscience.iop.org
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Low-energy tetrahedral polymorphs of carbon, silicon, and germanium
Searches for low-energy tetrahedral polymorphs of carbon and silicon have been performed
using density functional theory computations and the ab initio random structure searching …
using density functional theory computations and the ab initio random structure searching …
Accurate critical pressures for structural phase transitions of group IV, III-V, and II-VI compounds from the SCAN density functional
Most of the group IV, III-V, and II-VI compounds crystallize in semiconductor structures under
ambient conditions. Upon application of pressure, they undergo structural phase transitions …
ambient conditions. Upon application of pressure, they undergo structural phase transitions …
First-principles study on structural properties and phase stability of III-phosphide (BP, GaP, AlP and InP)
We have performed first principles total-energy calculations based on the full-potential
augmented plane-wave plus local orbitals (FP-LAPW+ lo) method in order to investigate the …
augmented plane-wave plus local orbitals (FP-LAPW+ lo) method in order to investigate the …
First-principles study on phases of AlP
R Yang, C Zhu, Q Wei, D Zhang - Solid state communications, 2017 - Elsevier
Four potential novel phases of AlP (Pmn2 1-AlP, Pbam-AlP, Pbca-AlP and bct-AlP) are
proposed in this study and the stabilities are verified by the enthalpy, independent elastic …
proposed in this study and the stabilities are verified by the enthalpy, independent elastic …
Simulation of electronic structure of aluminum phosphide nanocrystals using ab initio large unit cell method
Ab initio restricted Hartree‐Fock method coupled with the large unit cell method is used to
determine the electronic structure and physical properties of aluminum phosphide (AlP) …
determine the electronic structure and physical properties of aluminum phosphide (AlP) …
High-pressure band parameters for GaAs: first principles calculations
Structural and electronic parameters of zincblende GaAs are obtained from density-
functional-theory calculations utilizing an ab initio total energy pseudopotential technique …
functional-theory calculations utilizing an ab initio total energy pseudopotential technique …
Pressure dependence of the electronic structure in Ge, GaP and InP semiconductors at room temperature
The electronic structure of Ge, GaP and InP semiconductors under hydrostatic pressure
based on the empirical pseudopotential method have been reported. The pressure …
based on the empirical pseudopotential method have been reported. The pressure …