Living on the edge: Benefit-sharing from protected area tourism

S Snyman, KS Bricker - Living on the Edge, 2021 -
Tourism has an essential role in terms of contributing to the financial sustainability of
protected areas. In addition, through effective and efficient benefit-sharing, tourism can …

Perception of local communities on protected areas: lessons drawn from the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

E Gulte, H Tadele, A Haileslassie… - Ecosystems and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A study targeting the Bale Mountains National Park in Ethiopia was conducted
to gain a deeper understanding of local communities' opinion on benefits and disbenefits of …

Identification of areas highly vulnerable to land conversion: a case study from southern Thailand

N Tantipisanuh, GA Gale - Environmental Management, 2022 - Springer
Land conversion is having major impacts on wildlife globally, and thus understanding and
predicting patterns of land conversion is an important component of conservation planning …

[PDF][PDF] Contribution of ecotourism to the conservation of Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda

A Imanishimwe, V Nsengimana… - J. Tour. Hosp, 2018 -
Contribution of Ecotourism to the Conservation of Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda Page 1
Research Article Open Access Imanishimwe et al., J Tourism Hospit 2018, 7:2 DOI …

[PDF][PDF] The linkages between Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Ser-vices, and Community Development in Tropical Region: A Review

A Imanishimwe - 2022 -
Most of communities depend on natural resources such as forests, land, and water for their
livelihoods. Nature is the source of human health due to daily needs from ecosystem goods …

Perception of Local Communities on the Environmental and Socio-economic Benefits and Management Systems of the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

E Gulte, H Tadele, A Haileslassie, W Mekuria - 2022 -
Assessing the perception of local communities on the benefits and disbenefits of protected
areas is crucial to ensure the sustainability of their multiple benefits to people's livelihood …

People's Perceptions of Community Participation in Conservation of Natural Resources in Rwanda: The Case of Nyungwe National Park

G Umuziranenge - 2021 -
In this thesis I assessed whether and how the local communities participate in the daily
activities regarding the park's management through implementation of tourism revenue …

Investigating factors that affect sustainable tourism in the case of Rwanda

L ISIMBI - 2023 -
As the world strives to achieve sustainable development, the importance of taking
advantage of opportunities that are already available is balanced with the desire to grow …

Ecoturismo y estrategia de conservación en las Lomas de Amancaes, distrito del Rímac, provincia de Lima, 2020.

CY Fernández Barra - 2020 -
La presente investigación se realizó por la problemática ambiental identificada en las
Lomas de Amancaes y con la principal finalidad de determinar en qué medida el ecoturismo …

Comparing the community dependence on natural resources in Nyungwe National Park and the contribution of revenue sharing through integrated conservation and …

A Imanishimwe, T Niyonzima, D Nsabimana - Rwanda Journal of …, 2019 -
Abstract Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has recently established a tourism Revenue
Sharing Scheme (RSS) to create a win-win approach in protected areas for effective …