Spin effects in single-electron tunnelling
An important consequence of the discovery of giant magnetoresistance in metallic magnetic
multilayers is a broad interest in spin-dependent effects in electronic transport through …
multilayers is a broad interest in spin-dependent effects in electronic transport through …
Tunnel magnetoresistance of quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads in the sequential and cotunneling regimes
We study electronic transport through quantum dots weakly coupled to ferromagnetic leads
with collinear magnetization directions. Tunneling contributions of first and second order in …
with collinear magnetization directions. Tunneling contributions of first and second order in …
Quantum dot as a spin-current diode: A master-equation approach
We report a study of spin-dependent transport in a system composed of a quantum dot
coupled to a normal metal lead and a ferromagnetic lead (NM-QD-FM). We use the master …
coupled to a normal metal lead and a ferromagnetic lead (NM-QD-FM). We use the master …
Nanospintronics: when spintronics meets single electron physics
P Seneor, A Bernand-Mantel… - Journal of Physics …, 2007 - iopscience.iop.org
As spintronics goes nano, new phenomena are predicted resulting from the interplay
between spin dependent transport and single electron physics. The long term goal of …
between spin dependent transport and single electron physics. The long term goal of …
Spin-resolved Andreev transport through double-quantum-dot Cooper pair splitters
We investigate the Andreev transport through double-quantum-dot Cooper pair splitters with
ferromagnetic leads. The analysis is performed with the aid of the real-time diagrammatic …
ferromagnetic leads. The analysis is performed with the aid of the real-time diagrammatic …
Effects of different geometries on the conductance, shot noise, and tunnel magnetoresistance of double quantum dots
I Weymann - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2008 - APS
The spin-polarized transport through a coherent strongly coupled double quantum dot
(DQD) system is analyzed theoretically in the sequential and cotunneling regimes. Using the …
(DQD) system is analyzed theoretically in the sequential and cotunneling regimes. Using the …
Frequency-dependent current noise through quantum-dot spin valves
M Braun, J König, J Martinek - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2006 - APS
We study frequency-dependent current noise through a single-level quantum dot connected
to ferromagnetic leads with noncollinear magnetization. We propose to use the frequency …
to ferromagnetic leads with noncollinear magnetization. We propose to use the frequency …
Transport through quantum-dot spin valves containing magnetic impurities
B Sothmann, J König - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2010 - APS
We investigate transport through a single-level quantum dot coupled to noncollinearly
magnetized ferromagnets in the presence of localized spins in either the tunnel barrier or on …
magnetized ferromagnets in the presence of localized spins in either the tunnel barrier or on …
[KNJIGA][B] Quantum Transport in Interacting Nanojunctions
A Donarini, M Grifoni - 2024 - Springer
These lecture notes provide an introduction to the field of quantum transport in interacting
nanojunctions. The theoretical approach to transport considered in the book is based on a …
nanojunctions. The theoretical approach to transport considered in the book is based on a …
Observation of spin-selective tunneling in SiGe nanocrystals
Spin-selective tunneling of holes in SiGe nanocrystals contacted by normal-metal leads is
reported. The spin selectivity arises from an interplay of the orbital effect of the magnetic field …
reported. The spin selectivity arises from an interplay of the orbital effect of the magnetic field …