Genetic improvement of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). 1. Germplasm, traits and future prospects
Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) is the most widely sown annual pasture
legume species in southern Australia, valued in the livestock and grains industries as a …
legume species in southern Australia, valued in the livestock and grains industries as a …
Genetic improvement of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.). 2. Breeding for disease and pest resistance
Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) is the most widely sown pasture legume in
southern Australia and resistance to important diseases and pests has been a major plant …
southern Australia and resistance to important diseases and pests has been a major plant …
Opportunities and challenges for improved management of foliar pathogens in annual clover pastures across southern Australia
Foliar pathogens result in significant losses in herbage and seed yields and regeneration
capacity in annual clover pastures, the last leading to their rapid deterioration and lack of …
capacity in annual clover pastures, the last leading to their rapid deterioration and lack of …
The expression of resistance in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) to races 1 and 2 of Kabatiella caulivora is affected by inoculum pressure but not by …
MJ Barbetti - Australasian Plant Pathology, 2007 - Springer
The performance of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) varieties in the field in the
presence of the clover scorch pathogen, Kabatiella caulivora, can be highly variable in terms …
presence of the clover scorch pathogen, Kabatiella caulivora, can be highly variable in terms …
Variability within Kabatiella caulivora Race 1 and Race 2 revealed by cultural and molecular analyses
Kabatiella caulivora is the causal agent of clover scorch, a fungal disease of clover
(Trifolium) species. Variability within and between K. caulivora Race 1 and Race 2 was …
(Trifolium) species. Variability within and between K. caulivora Race 1 and Race 2 was …
Resistance to race 1 of Kabatiella caulivora in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) cultivars and breeding lines
Twenty-eight cultivars and 106 F6-derived breeding lines of subterranean clover (Trifolium
subterraneum) were screened in the field for their response to clover scorch disease caused …
subterraneum) were screened in the field for their response to clover scorch disease caused …
Genetic basis for and inheritance of resistance to Race 1 and Race 2 of Kabatiella caulivora in Trifolium subterraneum ssp. subterraneum and ssp. yanninicum
A study of a partial diallel involving crosses of seven cultivars of subterranean clover
(Trifolium subterraneum ssp. subterraneum and ssp. yanninicum) was undertaken to …
(Trifolium subterraneum ssp. subterraneum and ssp. yanninicum) was undertaken to …
Long‐term viability of the northern anthracnose pathogen, Kabatiella caulivora, facilitates its transportation and spread
The conidia and resting hyphae of the northern anthracnose pathogen of Trifolium species,
Kabatiella caulivora, were effectively carried by, and maintained long‐term viability on, a …
Kabatiella caulivora, were effectively carried by, and maintained long‐term viability on, a …
Diploidinių ir tetraploidinių raudonųjų dobilų (Trifolium pratense L.) atsparumas miltligei (Erysiphe trifolii), antraknozei (Kabatiel a caulivora) ir rūdims (Uromyces trifolii …
J Bukauskaitė, S Supronienė, N Lemežienė… - Žemės ūkio …, 2014 - lmaleidykla.lt
2013 m. Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centre, Žemdirbystės instituto žolių selekcijos
sėjomainoje, buvo tiriamos 84 raudonųjų dobilų įvairios kilmės veislių, selekcinių linijų ir …
sėjomainoje, buvo tiriamos 84 raudonųjų dobilų įvairios kilmės veislių, selekcinių linijų ir …
Novel Disease Host Resistances in the World Core Collection of Trifolium subterraneum
Glasshouse and field investigations of the phenotypic expressions of resistance of a 97-
member World Core Collection of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) collected …
member World Core Collection of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) collected …