[HTML][HTML] Contribution of remote sensing technologies to a holistic coastal and marine environmental management framework: a review
Coastal and marine management require the evaluation of multiple environmental threats
and issues. However, there are gaps in the necessary data and poor access or …
and issues. However, there are gaps in the necessary data and poor access or …
[HTML][HTML] New technologies for monitoring and upscaling marine ecosystem restoration in deep-sea environments
Abstract The United Nations (UN)'s call for a decade of “ecosystem restoration” was
prompted by the need to address the extensive impact of anthropogenic activities on natural …
prompted by the need to address the extensive impact of anthropogenic activities on natural …
A paradigm for understanding whole ecosystem effects of offshore wind farms in shelf seas
With the rapid expansion of offshore windfarms (OWFs) globally, there is an urgent need to
assess and predict effects on marine species, habitats, and ecosystem functioning. Doing so …
assess and predict effects on marine species, habitats, and ecosystem functioning. Doing so …
Impact of heavy biofouling on a nearshore heave-pitch-roll wave buoy performance
The impact of biofouling is investigated on the accuracy of the records of a wave buoy
moored in shallow water. The effects of biofouling on the vertical and horizontal motions of …
moored in shallow water. The effects of biofouling on the vertical and horizontal motions of …
Strategy for additional buoy array installation in operational buoy-observation network in Korea
Ocean observations, such as buoys and research stations, incur enormous installation and
operation costs. Therefore, it is necessary to optimally arrange the observation sites at …
operation costs. Therefore, it is necessary to optimally arrange the observation sites at …
Construction of corrosion resistant stainless steel mesh and the design for protecting optical window free from biofouling
C Chen, Y Wang, F Ge - Ocean Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
Bio-fouling impedes widespread application of sensors for marine environmental
monitoring. It is an issue to develop a simple and mitigating membrane fouling attachment …
monitoring. It is an issue to develop a simple and mitigating membrane fouling attachment …
Fishing vessels as met-ocean data collection platforms: data lifecycle from acquisition to sharing
I Manso-Narvarte, L Solabarrieta… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2024 - frontiersin.org
The collection of meteorological and oceanographic (met-ocean) data is essential to
advance knowledge of the state of the oceans, leading to better-informed decisions. Despite …
advance knowledge of the state of the oceans, leading to better-informed decisions. Despite …
Automatic near real-time quality control tests for biofouling effect on measurement data
The reliability of water quality measurement is crucial for sustainable use of ocean
resources, climate and ecosystem models, and industrial applications. However …
resources, climate and ecosystem models, and industrial applications. However …
Sea and swell characteristics in the deep waters of the Northern and Southern Arabian Sea
The main aim of this paper is to study the characteristics of sea and swell waves in the
Arabian Sea using deep sea moored buoys. This study examines wave measurements from …
Arabian Sea using deep sea moored buoys. This study examines wave measurements from …
An example of a field service plan for oceanographic submerged moorings
Oceanographic mooring missions are critical for advancing our understanding of the world's
oceans and their role in the broader Earth system. These missions rely on the deployment …
oceans and their role in the broader Earth system. These missions rely on the deployment …