Liquid biopsies come of age: towards implementation of circulating tumour DNA
Improvements in genomic and molecular methods are expanding the range of potential
applications for circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA), both in a research setting and as a'liquid …
applications for circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA), both in a research setting and as a'liquid …
Circulating tumour DNA alterations: emerging biomarker in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Head and Neck cancers (HNC) are a heterogeneous group of upper aero-digestive tract
cancer and account for 931,922 new cases and 467,125 deaths worldwide. About 90% of …
cancer and account for 931,922 new cases and 467,125 deaths worldwide. About 90% of …
[HTML][HTML] Diagnostics based on nucleic acid sequence variant profiling: PCR, hybridization, and NGS approaches
Nucleic acid sequence variations have been implicated in many diseases, and reliable
detection and quantitation of DNA/RNA biomarkers can inform effective therapeutic action …
detection and quantitation of DNA/RNA biomarkers can inform effective therapeutic action …
Beyond gel electrophoresis: Microfluidic separations, fluorescence burst analysis, and DNA stretching
This Review addresses methods for obtaining sequence information directly from
unamplified genomic length DNA. Our generic starting point is a large piece of DNA that …
unamplified genomic length DNA. Our generic starting point is a large piece of DNA that …
Circulating cell-free tumour DNA in the management of cancer
G Francis, S Stein - International journal of molecular sciences, 2015 - mdpi.com
With the development of new sensitive molecular techniques, circulating cell-free tumour
DNA containing mutations can be identified in the plasma of cancer patients. The …
DNA containing mutations can be identified in the plasma of cancer patients. The …
Metagenomics for the discovery of novel human viruses
Modern laboratory techniques for the detection of novel human viruses are greatly needed
as physicians and epidemiologists increasingly deal with infectious diseases caused by new …
as physicians and epidemiologists increasingly deal with infectious diseases caused by new …
Circulating tumor DNA: measurement and clinical utility
J Donaldson, BH Park - Annual review of medicine, 2018 - annualreviews.org
Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a component of the “naked” DNA found in blood. It can be
isolated from plasma and represents combined genetic material from the primary tumor and …
isolated from plasma and represents combined genetic material from the primary tumor and …
[HTML][HTML] Somatic mutation detection using various targeted detection assays in paired samples of circulating tumor DNA, primary tumor and metastases from patients …
N Beije, JC Helmijr, MJA Weerts, CM Beaufort… - Molecular …, 2016 - Elsevier
Assessing circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a promising method to evaluate somatic
mutations from solid tumors in a minimally-invasive way. In a group of twelve metastatic …
mutations from solid tumors in a minimally-invasive way. In a group of twelve metastatic …
Nonlinear electrophoretic response yields a unique parameter for separation of biomolecules
J Pel, D Broemeling, L Mai, HL Poon, G Tropini… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 - pnas.org
We demonstrate a unique parameter for biomolecule separation that results from the
nonlinear response of long, charged polymers to electrophoretic fields and apply it to …
nonlinear response of long, charged polymers to electrophoretic fields and apply it to …
Macrofluidic device for preparative concentration based on epitachophoresis
F Foret, V Datinská, I Voráčová, J Novotný… - Analytical …, 2019 - ACS Publications
We have developed a new separation device to concentrate and collect ions from several
milliliter sample volumes to microliter fractions. Unlike most conventional platforms, this …
milliliter sample volumes to microliter fractions. Unlike most conventional platforms, this …