The adaptive human parental brain: implications for children's social development
R Feldman - Trends in neurosciences, 2015 - cell.com
Although interest in the neurobiology of parent–infant bonding is a century old,
neuroimaging of the human parental brain is recent. After summarizing current comparative …
neuroimaging of the human parental brain is recent. After summarizing current comparative …
Approaching the biology of human parental attachment: Brain imaging, oxytocin and coordinated assessments of mothers and fathers
Brain networks that govern parental response to infant signals have been studied with
imaging techniques over the last 15 years. The complex interaction of thoughts and …
imaging techniques over the last 15 years. The complex interaction of thoughts and …
Children's parents
MH Bornstein - … settings and processes in developmental systems, 2015 - books.google.com
Childhood is the time when we forge our first social bonds, first learn how to express and
read basic human emotions, and first make sense of the physical world. In childhood …
read basic human emotions, and first make sense of the physical world. In childhood …
The origins of altruism in offspring care.
SD Preston - Psychological bulletin, 2013 - psycnet.apa.org
The current review aims to unify existing views of altruism through an examination of the
biological bases of a fundamental form of giving: altruistic responding. Altruistic responding …
biological bases of a fundamental form of giving: altruistic responding. Altruistic responding …
On cuteness: Unlocking the parental brain and beyond
Cuteness in offspring is a potent protective mechanism that ensures survival for otherwise
completely dependent infants. Previous research has linked cuteness to early ethological …
completely dependent infants. Previous research has linked cuteness to early ethological …
Connecting prosocial behavior to improved physical health: Contributions from the neurobiology of parenting
SL Brown, RM Brown - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Although a growing body of evidence suggests that giving to (hel**) others is linked
reliably to better health and longevity for the helper, little is known about causal …
reliably to better health and longevity for the helper, little is known about causal …
Reconceptualizing anhedonia: novel perspectives on balancing the pleasure networks in the human brain
Anhedonia, the lack of pleasure, has been shown to be a critical feature of a range of
psychiatric disorders. Yet, it is currently measured primarily through subjective self-reports …
psychiatric disorders. Yet, it is currently measured primarily through subjective self-reports …
[HTML][HTML] The power of kawaii: Viewing cute images promotes a careful behavior and narrows attentional focus
H Nittono, M Fukushima, A Yano, H Moriya - PloS one, 2012 - journals.plos.org
Kawaii (a Japanese word meaning “cute”) things are popular because they produce positive
feelings. However, their effect on behavior remains unclear. In this study, three experiments …
feelings. However, their effect on behavior remains unclear. In this study, three experiments …
Towards a functional neuroanatomy of pleasure and happiness
The pursuit of happiness is a preoccupation for many people. Yet only the pursuit can be
promised, not happiness itself. Can science help? We focus on the most tractable ingredient …
promised, not happiness itself. Can science help? We focus on the most tractable ingredient …
[BOK][B] Nurturing natures: Attachment and children's emotional, sociocultural and brain development
G Music - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This new edition of the bestselling text, Nurturing Natures, provides an indispensable
synthesis of the latest scientific knowledge about children's emotional development …
synthesis of the latest scientific knowledge about children's emotional development …