Revisiting disturbance decoupling with an optimization perspective

SB Sarsılmaz, SHQ Li, B Açıkmeşe - Annual Reviews in Control, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper presents an optimization-based perspective for incorporating disturbance
decoupling constraints into controller synthesis, which paves the way for utilizing numerical …

Minimum-gain pole placement with sparse static feedback

V Katewa, F Pasqualetti - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2020 -
The minimum-gain eigenvalue assignment/pole placement problem (MGEAP) is a classical
problem in linear time-invariant systems with static state feedback. In this article, we study …

Multi-objective switching controller for cloud computing systems

PS Saikrishna, R Pasumarthy - Control Engineering Practice, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents the performance management of a web-server hosted on a private
cloud (the target system). Based upon an identified linear switched model with workload …

Feedback controller norm optimization for linear time invariant descriptor systems with pole region constraint

S Datta - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016 -
An algorithm is proposed to compute a state feedback gain matrix for a linear time invariant,
regular descriptor system, which ensures that (i) the closed loop system is impulse-free and …

Eigenvalue assignment for positive observers and its feasibility

H Trinh - European Journal of Control, 2017 - Elsevier
In this paper, we discuss a new problem of establishing feasibility conditions for regional
eigenvalue assignment of positive observers. Previous results on regional eigenvalue …

Parametric uncertain LTI systems: an LMI optimisation formulation for robust feedback control design

S Datta - International Journal of Control, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This article considers the following problems for a parametric uncertain (affine) linear time-
invariant system. The first problem is: Let a feedback gain matrix be designed such that the …

Point-actuated feedback control of multidimensional interfaces

RJ Tomlin, SN Gomes - IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019 -
We consider the application of feedback control strategies with point actuators to
multidimensional evolving interfaces in order to stabilize desired states. We take a Kuramoto …

A compensation controller based on a regional pole-assignment method for AMD control systems with a time-varying delay

Z Li, C Chen, J Teng, Y Wang - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018 - Elsevier
Active mass damper/driver (AMD) control system has been proposed as an effective tool for
high-rise buildings to resist strong dynamic loads. However, such disadvantage as time …

Minimal-norm state-feedback globally non-overshooting/undershooting tracking control of multivariable systems

A Dhyani, T Jain - IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 2022 - Elsevier
The non-overshooting/undershooting (NOUS) tracking control objective in the output
response of the closed-loop system has several practical applications in “positioning” control …

Reduced-order controller synthesis with regional pole constraint

S Datta, D Chakraborty, MN Belur - International Journal of Control, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A reduced order output feedback controller is designed for a linear time
invariant system, which guarantees that the closed-loop poles are placed within some pre …