Geobacter: the microbe electric's physiology, ecology, and practical applications
Geobacter species specialize in making electrical contacts with extracellular electron
acceptors and other organisms. This permits Geobacter species to fill important niches in a …
acceptors and other organisms. This permits Geobacter species to fill important niches in a …
How sulphate-reducing microorganisms cope with stress: lessons from systems biology
Sulphate-reducing microorganisms (SRMs) are a phylogenetically diverse group of
anaerobes encompassing distinct physiologies with a broad ecological distribution. As …
anaerobes encompassing distinct physiologies with a broad ecological distribution. As …
Analysis of microbial communities in heavy metals-contaminated soils using the metagenomic approach
Soil pollution occurring at mining sites has adverse impacts on soil microbial diversity. New
approaches, such as metagenomics approach, have become a powerful tool to investigate …
approaches, such as metagenomics approach, have become a powerful tool to investigate …
Denitrifying bacteria from the genus Rhodanobacter dominate bacterial communities in the highly contaminated subsurface of a nuclear legacy waste site
The effect of long-term mixed-waste contamination, particularly uranium and nitrate, on the
microbial community in the terrestrial subsurface was investigated at the field scale at the …
microbial community in the terrestrial subsurface was investigated at the field scale at the …
Dominance of sulfur-fueled iron oxide reduction in low-sulfate freshwater sediments
A central tenant in microbial biogeochemistry is that microbial metabolisms follow a
predictable sequence of terminal electron acceptors based on the energetic yield for the …
predictable sequence of terminal electron acceptors based on the energetic yield for the …
Selective removal of transition metals from acidic mine waters by novel consortia of acidophilic sulfidogenic bacteria
Two continuous‐flow bench‐scale bioreactor systems populated by mixed communities of
acidophilic sulfate‐reducing bacteria were constructed and tested for their abilities to …
acidophilic sulfate‐reducing bacteria were constructed and tested for their abilities to …
Reduction and precipitation of chromium (VI) using a palladized membrane biofilm reactor
H 2-driven reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) using precious-metal catalysts is
promising, but its implementation in water treatment has been restricted by poor H 2-transfer …
promising, but its implementation in water treatment has been restricted by poor H 2-transfer …
Enriched iron (III)-reducing bacterial communities are shaped by carbon substrate and iron oxide mineralogy
Iron (Fe) oxides exist in a spectrum of structures in the environment, with ferrihydrite widely
considered the most bioavailable phase. Yet, ferrihydrite is unstable and rapidly transforms …
considered the most bioavailable phase. Yet, ferrihydrite is unstable and rapidly transforms …
Reduction of U (VI) on chemically reduced montmorillonite and surface complexation modeling of adsorbed U (IV)
A Satpathy, JG Catalano… - Environmental Science & …, 2022 - ACS Publications
Adsorption and subsequent reduction of U (VI) on Fe (II)-bearing clay minerals can control
the mobility of uranium in subsurface environments. Clays such as montmorillonite provide …
the mobility of uranium in subsurface environments. Clays such as montmorillonite provide …
Denitrifying bacteria isolated from terrestrial subsurface sediments exposed to mixed-waste contamination
In terrestrial subsurface environments where nitrate is a critical groundwater contaminant,
few cultivated representatives are available to verify the metabolism of organisms that …
few cultivated representatives are available to verify the metabolism of organisms that …